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If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.- Located in a unique setting in Sintra, Lisbon.
If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.
If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.
Prior to delving into the profound practice of holotropic breathwork, each participant will have the opportunity to craft their own drum. These drums will boast a diameter of approximately 30cm with from timber frames adorned with deer skin and cotton string. Preceding the drum-making endeavor, shamanic journeys will guide us in connecting with the essence of the drum and our inner selves.
New ways to look at psychology and spirituality are offering exciting possibilities in the recovery movement, both for individual seekers and for those who work in the treatment field. This module explores a whole continuum, from the idea of addiction as an extreme form of attachment, which affects everyone and which is crucial to spiritual seekers of all practices, to the more articulate forms of addiction: substance, process, relationship, and more. Through theory, discussion and experiential exercises, we’ll look at: The disease paradigm of recovery; The wellness paradigm and the transpersonal recovery centre; Implications of perinatal...
If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.
Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.
A Grof Transpersonal Training module led by Jean Farrell Join us for an in-depth exploration of the fascinating human journey, from conception to death and rebirth. In embarking on this adventure, we may begin to “DANCE” with the music of time, rather than moving through life, resisting the flow toward death. Such a shift gives us the opportunity to fulfill our deepest life purposes, and let go consciously of what keeps us from embracing this crucial process of transformation. By viewing life and death through the lens of Holotropic Paradigm, we are able to explore, in depth, the triple dynamic and...
Double Holotropic breathwork weekend counting towards the completion of virtual training modules.
Double Holotropic Breathwork weekend which counts towards the completion of online training modules.
The sacred union between masculine and feminine - Feel welcome to a deep week of self-exploration with Holotropic Breathwork and shamanic journeying: "Celebrating Wild Potency - BELTAINE and the Sacred Marriage" with Cait Brannigan from 30th Mai-4th June in Austria
This double breathwork weekend counts towards the completion of virtual training modules
Double Holotropic Breathworks in Westport count towards the completion of GTT virtual training modules.
It is time. Time to be in our hearts. There is a calling. With energies from "home" where we are all from Do you feel it?
2 Breathwork sessions in a purpose built centre under the energy of the famous reek
1 day Holotropic Breathwork workshop set on the hills of Wicklow in a superb location
For more information see:
For more information see:
For more information see:
For more information please check the website of Holotropic Breathwork Ireland
Supernatural Health and Spirit and Kajsa Söderlund are so happy and excited to present: STAN GROF at Runö Möten och Events May 26th- 28th 2017. Lecture 1: ”Proposal for a Revision of Psychology, and Psychotherapy: Observations from Half Century of Consciousness Research", on Friday, May 26th at 10 in the morning is open to the public. Cost: 500 SEK (including 2 coffee breaks) Lecture 2: ”Introduction to Holotropic Breathwork” on Friday, May 26th after dinner (only open for holotropic breathwork workshop participants) Investment for two lectures and holotropic breathwork workshop on May 26th-28th where Stan Grof will be present:...