THE SPIRITUAL QUEST, ATTACHMENT, AND ADDICTION - GTT Module, 8th-13th SEPTEMBER 2018  - Spirituální pouť – připoutání a závislost

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THE SPIRITUAL QUEST, ATTACHMENT, AND ADDICTION - GTT Module, 30 June -5 July 2024 led by Paul McCormack 

The event is fully booked !


Thomas Liska

Facilitator and Organiser

Thomas Liska is GTT Europe Direktor and together with Sonja Busch founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe with extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain,...

Peter Köllerer

Teacher and Facilitator

For more than 20 years Peter’s passion has been exploring consciousness and the nature of reality or Self. He became a coach and mental trainer in the late ‘90s and discovered non-ordinary states of c...

Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...

Karin Bergmann

Facilitator and Organiser

Karin has been on the path of self discovery since her teens and got in contact with different teachings and philosophies. She has extensive trainings in self discovery and inner work. She got in cont...

Tomek Kwiecinski

Facilitator and Organiser

Tomek started his work with Holotropic Breathwork in 2010 and become certified in 2015. He is founder of Holotropic Poland, very passionate about combining Holotropic Breathwork with traditional deep...

Eva Oswald


Eva Oswald was born and raised in a small village in Germany, Bavaria. In 2013 she moved to Salzburg where she feels most home in the mountains. After her studies in pedagogy at the University of Salz...

Anatina Olschewsky Beltran


Anatina is a certified Faciltator since 2024, certified Bowen therapist and Counselor. Anatina is also engaged in a long-term training in working with master plants alongside a master curandero i...

Debbie Byrne


Debbie is a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner.  She began her holotropic breathwork journey in 2002 and joined the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2004. Debbie w...


Early bird price for the Module is € 890- ink. 20%VAT payment 6 weeks before the module starts.
Regular price € 1040,- ink. 20%VAT. 
The hotel-room will be extra and direct payed in the hotel.
Full-board 83 Euro /night in a double room - nsinglerooms. 99 Euro/night full board
Website of Hotel Friedrichshof:


Please be aware that we only have a very limited number of single rooms available that will be distributed in the order of application! Therefore, we cannot guarantee that we can provide accommodation in a single room for you.

The price includes the Training Module and two plentiful coffee-tea breaks every day.
Accommodation with full board is ordered by us and payed direct in Hotel Friedrichshof.


Venue Name


2424 Zurndorf


Römerstraße 2,, Zurndorf Austria, 2424



Cancellation Policy


The cancellation fee is always EUR 200,- for a GTT module.

If you cancel the module within 30 days before the course, the course fee will not be refunded, but could be applied to any other module or workshop with the Holotropic Association Austria (minus the cancellation fee).

Cancellation or non-attendance, even with registration 5 days before the retreat start, will result in a 100% retention of the total amount, and hotel costs must be covered.

If you cancel the workshop more than a month in advance the total amount minus 200- EUR cancellation fee will be refunded.
If the organization should cancel the event due to any reason, the entire amount paid for the course will be refunded to the participants. Please note: The organisation will not take any responsibility for any additional expenses the cancellation may cause to the participant such as for example travel expenses.