Grof Transpersonal Training® in Europe

GTT is a program for experiencing and studying Holotropic Breathwork and the transpersonal perspective. It is a two-track program that can be used either to become a certified practitioner or simply to experience this practice in a more in-depth format.

Grof Transpersonal Training® in Europe

The certification program offers a high degree of flexibility to cater to individual preferences. There are five-and-a-half-day modules that you can participate in, often available in pairs, allowing you to choose one or both modules. These modules are available throughout the year and across three continents, enabling you to attend within your own region or even travel to other regions if you prefer. The option to attend multiple or just a few modules is available, aligning with the core principle of the Holotropic Breathwork method (HB) that your inner wisdom guides your path.

For individuals aspiring for GTT certification, there are two distinct paths: Educational and/or Practitioner

Both paths require a journey of deep self-exploration. And both mandate attendance at seven modules and a two-week closing intensive. As part of the training, you'll engage in ten hours of consultation with a certified practitioner and participate in ten HB workshops, which also encompass those completed prior to initiating the training, involving both breathing sessions and the role of a "sitter." 

In addition, those pursuing Practitioner certification have the opportunity to become independent workshop leaders. However, this requires a commitment to apprentice at least four times at workshops/modules led by previously certified practitioners prior to leading your own groups. It's important to note that Practitioner certification isn't guaranteed and rests with the discretion of the GTT core facilitator team. 

Any GTT module as well as Holotropic Breathwork method workshop offers the opportunity to further develop your presence and witness and support the work in expanded states of consciousness when taking the role as sitter during a Holotropic session. 
For those on the practitioner track, chances to practice as apprentice at workshops and modules are available after 5 GTT modules, including the POWER WITHIN Module.

In summary, the certification program's adaptable structure accommodates different preferences, with modules held across the globe. There are distinct tracks for certification, involving module attendance, consultation hours, and active participation in workshops. Practitioner certification entails additional apprenticeship and practical experience, all guided by the GTT core facilitator team.       



You are welcome to participate in all modules (unless prerequisites are indicated), even if you have no prior experience with Holotropic Breathwork and without needing to apply for the training in advance. 
For the Bodywork module (“The Power Within”), however, a minimum of 2 completed modules or alternatively, 5 Holotropic Breathwork weekend workshops (either double or single) with a certified team are required before registration can be accepted. For most events, simply reach out to us for registration details.

Once you decide to attend certification each module you attend will be retrospectively credited toward fulfilling the certification prerequisites. After your initial participation, you’ll receive regular updates about upcoming training events.

The following mandatory modules need to be completed:

The Holotropic Paradigm

Music and Transcendence

Spiritual Emergency

The Power Within

Trauma and Transformation is also recommended for the facilitator track but not mandatory

Currently GTT training is taking place in the following European countries (in alphabetical order):  

Austria (, Italy (,  Poland ( Spain (                                                                                                       

For further information see GTT training under Events or contact the respective GTT staff members - see Network

In Europe, after 2024, mandatory modules conducted online will no longer be accepted for certification. In total one of the optional online modules in combination with a double breathwork workshop may be counted towards certification. Otherwise, all GTT modules and workshops completed worldwide under the guidance of GTT-certified facilitators are recognized as valid components of the program.

Continued Professional Development (CPD)

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Continued Professional Development (CPD) is essential in upholding the highest standards of Holotropic Breathwork methode (HB) for those guiding others in this modality. Additionally, CPD plays a significant role in establishing HB as a credible and well-grounded contemporary psycho-spiritual practice.

CPD for HB practitioners involves several important elements. First, practitioners are encouraged to engage in Holotropic Breathwork workshops regularly, participating in at least two Holotropic sessions per year. This consistent, firsthand involvement helps practitioners maintain a deep connection to the process, enabling them to offer genuine and effective guidance to their clients.

Maintaining connections with the HB community and the training program is another vital part of CPD. Practitioners are advised to attend a six-day event at least once every three years, keeping them updated on the latest developments, insights, and techniques. This fosters a sense of community and shared learning among practitioners.

Additionally, practitioners are encouraged to maintain a daily personal practice that nurtures their own sources of inspiration and inner wisdom. This practice not only deepens the practitioner’s personal journey but also enhances their ability to guide others through the transformative process of the Holotropic Breathwork method.

In summary, CPD serves as a cornerstone in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the Holotropic Breathwork method. This commitment to personal experience, community engagement, and continuous learning ensures that practitioners are well-prepared to facilitate meaningful and impactful sessions for individuals seeking the benefits of Holotropic Breathwork.

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