Anatina Olschewsky Beltran


Anatina is a certified Faciltator since 2024, certified Bowen therapist and Counselor. Anatina is also engaged in a long-term training in working with master plants alongside a master curandero in Peru

She was brought to Inner Work through her personal crisis in early years and dove deeply into Holotropic Breathwork, Shamanism and constellation work. These tools allowed her to endure this time and transform the way she perceived herself and the world. She continues to learn and train in these areas, seeing herself as an apprentice for life, of the wisdom inherent to all things.

The birth of her son became a rite of passage through wich she anchored her trust in life and its processes in an irrevocable way, she draws from this in all aspects of her personal and professional life.

Art is her way of alchemising experience into tangible resources and she uses it to address realms beyond words. She works as a Bowen Therapist and Doula, bringing the deep trust and aliveness she carries to the space as her gift.

She will continue to explore with integrity and curiosity the realms of this life experience. Being with others with the same quality of open curiosity and trust.

Anatina Olschewsky Beltran

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Shamanism meets Holotropic Breathwork-7day-6 nights Spain 22th-28th of September 2025 Jose

2025-09-22 00:00:00

This 7-day, 6-night workshop integrates Holotropic Breathwork with shamanic practices in a harmonious and integrative manner, facilitating a profound healing experience. Following the tradition of an "amazon diet," participants will engage in the consumption of Tobacco and Luz de la Selva, a blend of 8 different master plants. Working with these master plants occurs within a ritual context, emphasizing the intentions of cleansing, healing, and gaining insight, thereby fostering a deep connection with oneself.


