Sonja Busch


Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised in trauma healing she has a broad background in working in the areas of gender based violence, trafficking in persons, sexual abuse, unaccompanied minor refugees, street children etc. in Austria and abroad, especially in (post-) conflict countries.

Her educational background is in Bowen Body Therapy, master studies in clinical supervision, coaching and organisational development as well as a master degree in political science and sociology. She lectures at universities and universities of applied science in Austria and abroad and also facilitates conferences and workshops.

Sonja regularly organises HB workshops in Austria and has been facilitating in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Currently, she is exploring as certified SoulCollage® Facilitator the potentials of this beautiful technique to support people in integrating experiences in extraordinary states of consciousness. 


Holotropic Breathwork taught me to trust the inherent inner healing wisdom of my body and soul. Helping me to truly transform my life I am passionate about Holotropic Breathwork and its healing potentials and I am grateful that as a facilitator I can give back some of the support I received during my own process.

Sonja Busch

Upcoming Events (8)

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Ahom Vienna 1.5 days 15th-16th November 2024

2024-11-15 00:00:00

Holotropic Breathwork, Holotropes Atmen Wien am 23-24 Juni 2024


Unlocking the Body's Wisdom: A Holotropic Breathwork Retreat for releasing Trauma and embracing Transformation

2024-12-06 00:00:00

Unlocking the Body's Wisdom: A Holotropic Breathwork Retreat for releasing Trauma and embracing Transformation



2025-02-02 00:00:00

In this module, we will explore: - The power of contact; where and how. - Sharing the experiential field of the breather. - The intermittent nature of the process. - The challenge of doing not doing. - Understanding and supporting different kinds of processes. This module involves intense practice of facilitation with direct advice from experienced practitioners and shadow guidance to improve your presence and skills. To maximize your training, in the breathwork sessions sitters will facilitate breathers, and the staff will support you if needed. There will be space for dialogue, questions, and answers to discuss situations and gain confidence in your facilitation. To assist it is indispensable to have done the mandatory module The Power Within (“the Bodywork module”) to have experience as a breather/sitter and some facilitation skills.


GTT Module - "Trauma Trasformazione" - "Trauma Transformation" Assisi Italy - 5th-10th May 2025 with Sonja Busch

2025-05-05 00:00:00

Trauma is the Greek word for wound, a wounding. We all have woundings; from birth to death, and even before birth. These can be demanding in their intensity, in their impact on us, and in our relationship with ourselves, others, and our environment. The module will focus on the impact of trauma on physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing.  We will explore holotropic strategies that can be beneficial in working with these challenging issues. Our approach will be a mixture of theory and experiential practices. Each participant will experience two Holotropic Breathwork sessions as a “breather” and two as a “sitter." Drawing on our personal experience, we will also engage in creative exercises with art materials, writing and movement. Topics and questions we dive into will include: - How the Holotropic Paradigm and the work in expanded states of consciousness is beneficial in integrating and transforming trauma - The trauma process - when to focus on what? - The use of survival strategies and ego defense mechanisms; their effectiveness and limitation - The power of Presence - Understanding Grof's perinatal and transpersonal levels of our being; and the impact of generational links as part of the transpersona This module will not only be useful in our own journey towards wholeness, but will enhance our ability to be present with others - as companions, therapists and facilitators as they work with their own trauma.


GTT CLOSING CERTIFICATION INTENSIVE 17th - 29th August 2025 in Austria

2025-08-17 00:00:00

The Closing Certification Intensive marks the culmination and final stage of the Grof Transpersonal Training Program in Transpersonal Psychology and HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK. 


Shamanism meets Holotropic Breathwork, a special retreat in Spain, 22th-28th of September 2025

2025-09-22 00:00:00

This 7-day, 6-night workshop integrates Holotropic Breathwork with shamanic practices in a harmonious and integrative manner, facilitating a profound healing experience. 


GTT Module - The Power Within: The Practice of Holotropic Breathwork, 26-31 October 2025

2025-10-26 00:00:00

Holotropic theory comes alive as we experience the essence of the practice first-hand.


GTT Module - "Spiritual Emergency" - Assisi Italy - 24th-29th November 2025

2025-11-24 00:00:00

Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness. 



Vienna Austria