October 14th-19th 2019

Kajsa Soderlund


Supernatural Health and Spirit/Kajsa Soderlund proudly presents:

The Pyramids and the Ravne Tunnels - a Holotropic Breathwork Experience

"Through healing ourselves, We are healing Mother Earth and the rest of the Universe"

We are very excited to welcome you to this very special opportunity to experience the pyramid complex, the Ravne tunnels and a double holotropic breathwork workshop in Visoko, Bosnia. 

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation website:


The pyramid complex was discovered by Dr Sam Osmanagich in 2005 and consists of five pyramids; The Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, Pyramid of Love, Pyramid of Bosnian Dragon,  the Pyramid of Love and temple of Mother Earth.

Dr Osmanagick is going to lecture about the pyramids and the Ravne tunnels which is also part of his discovery.

Included in the workshop price:  a guided tour of Ravne Tunnels, visiting a couple of the pyramids and a barbeque at the pyramid of the Moon, (among other things).

There will also be an extra opportunity for participants to visit Ravne tunnels and the pyramids during the day of "self care" on Friday, October 18th. 

Registration form and medical information form:


Are you longing to explore your inner being?

Do you have a wish to develop your intuition and your consciousness?

Would you like to let go of unresolved issues from the past?

Do you have a hard time setting up boundaries, to say ”no” and would like to get better at this?

Have you experienced difficult traumas in your life and have been searching for a way to heal yourself holistically; psychologically, physically, and spiritually?

Are you currently going through a life crises and seek for deep inner wisdom and insights?

Have you taken part in traditional therapy sessions but feel this method doesn’t reach the inner depth of you?

If your answer is ”yes” to one or more of these questions, there is a strong possibility that you could benefit from Holotropic Breathwork.

You don’t need any previous experience of Holotropic Breathwork to be able to participate in a workshop. You don’t need to be an educated psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or such either.

About Holotropic Breathwork:

Important parts of Holotropic Breathwork is driving music, focused energy release work, sharing circle, and creative mandala drawings. All these parts facilitate for us opening up our own inner potential to reach deep physical, psychological and spiritual healing.

One could say that Holotropic Breathwork in this way creates a bridge between the psyche, the body and the soul and therefore is a holistic way of healing oneself. In Holotropic Breathwork the main focus is to create a safe space to ensure the possibility for each participant to fully surrender to sensations, emotions, energy movements, visions etc which might come to the surface during a session. 

Each person’s experiences during a session is unique, so there is not a ”right” or ”wrong” way to experience Holotropic Breathwork.

For more information about Holotropic Breathwork, please visit these websites: http://www.holotropic-association.eu/



Your participation in this workshop is secured as soon as the payment has been received by bank transfer and the registration form and the medical information form has been emailed to:

Kajsa Soderlund


The workshop will be held in English, with Bosnian translation if needed.



Kajsa Soderlund, Viktor Pestsov, Marina Trots and an international team of facilitators


Workshop investment

(including double holotropic breathwork workshop, lecture with Dr Sam Osmanagich, guided tour at Ravne tunnels, visiting pyramids, lunches, shuttle bus, barbeque at Pyramid of the Moon, and coffee breaks).

Early bird price (until October 7th): 360 E

Registration fee (until October 7th) 160 E

The rest of the fee 200 E is to be paid in cash at registration on October 14th

Regular price (after October 7th): 410 E


Accomodation at Hotel Pyramid of the Sun (including full board)

This will be paid directly with the hotel

Double room: 40 E/night Single room: 50 E/night

(there are only a limited number of single rooms)

Extra night (including breakfast)

October 13th ____ double room: 40 E ____ single room: 50 E

October 20th ____ double room: 40 E ____ single room: 50 E



Accomodation: Hotel Pyramid of the Sun

Musala 1, 71300 Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegowina
Tel/Fax: +387 32 731 450

Cell: (available 24h a day): +387 61 692 982 (ENG)
Cell: (available 24h a day): +387 61 781 341 (BOS)

web: www.hotelpiramidasunca.com

Workshop location: Ravne 2 Energy Park Conference


Travel Details

Kajsa Soderlund phone number: 46-(0)70-3215514

Nearest airports:

Sarajevo (40 minutes by train to Visoko)

Tuzla (3 h 52 minutes by bus to Visoko)

Banja Luka (4h 10 minutes by bus to Visoko)

Please, click here for travel information: https://www.rome2rio.com

Hotel Pyramid of the Sun is:

* 0 km away from the city center

* 100 m away from the main Bus station in Visoko

* 500 m away from the Railway station in Visoko


Payment Details


Please,state your name when you transfer money:

Bank information (for money transfers from Swedish participants)
Konto innehavare: Kajsa Söderlund
Konto nummer: 333 441 362
Clearing nummer: 6186
Bank: Handelsbanken

Bank information (for money transfers from international participants)
Account holder: Kajsa Soderlund Ostervagen 18 B 169 53 Solna, Sweden
Bank: Handelsbanken Stationsgatan 5 Box 191 78122 Borlänge, Sweden
IBAN: SE 586000 0000000333441362
For notice: Holotropic Breathwork, Stockholm, first name, last name


Cancellation Policy

Phasellus tincidunt metus nec elit condimentum, sed consequat sapien fringilla. Vivamus cursus ante et mi vehicula mollis. Nullam sed congue nisl.