Holotropic Breathwork/ drumbuilding
in Westport

September 26-29. 2024


Prior to delving into the profound practice of holotropic breathwork, each participant will have the opportunity to craft their own drum. These drums will boast a diameter of approximately 30cm with from timber frames adorned with deer skin and cotton string.

Preceding the drum-making endeavour, shamanic journeys will guide us in connecting with the essence of the drum and our inner selves.


Thursday: Introduction & preparation to drum building, 5:30- 10 pm
Friday: drum building, preparation for holotropic breathwork  9:30am – 8:00pm
Saturday: Holotropic Breathwork 9:30am – 8:00pm
Sunday: Integration & Sharing 9:30 - 1 pm
(ending times could vary)

This is a residential workshop, all meals are provided.

Holotropic breathwork Workshop

Throughout the ages, humanity has utilized non-ordinary states of consciousness to delve into the depths of the Self. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend provides a secure space to embark on such explorations.

Holotropic breathing empowers individuals to tap into their innate resources, gain profound insights, and align with their authentic truth, thereby living a life guided by their deepest essence.

Impressions from workshops


For registration please contact/


Paul McCormack

Teacher and Facilitator

Paul Mc Cormack is an accredited Psychotherapist who has been working in the field of Addiction and Dependency for over 30 years, in addition to being a Holotropic Breathwork certified facilitator. P...

Karin Bergmann

Facilitator and Organiser

Karin has been on the path of self discovery since her teens and got in contact with different teachings and philosophies. She has extensive trainings in self discovery and inner work. She got in cont...

Debbie Byrne


Debbie is a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner.  She began her holotropic breathwork journey in 2002 and joined the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2004. Debbie w...


Moyhastin, Westport Ireland, F28DR31

Moyhastin, Westport Ireland, F28DR31


585€ including workshop fee, drum building material, accommodation and fullboard
A deposit of 125€ is required to reserve your spot. 

For more information see