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In this module, we will explore: - The power of contact; where and how. - Sharing the experiential field of the breather. - The intermittent nature of the process. - The challenge of doing not doing. - Understanding and supporting different kinds of processes. This module involves intense practice of facilitation with direct advice from experienced practitioners and shadow guidance to improve your presence and skills. To maximize your training, in the breathwork sessions sitters will facilitate breathers, and the staff will support you if needed. There will be space for dialogue, questions, and answers to discuss situations and gain confidence in your facilitation. To assist it is indispensable to have done the mandatory module The Power Within (“the Bodywork module”) to have experience as a breather/sitter and some facilitation skills.
Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.These moments of crises have been understood as psychosis or psychological regression by some and as opportunities and major breakthroughs by others. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” to refer to such states.
Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.These moments of crises have been understood as psychosis or psychological regression by some and as opportunities and major breakthroughs by others. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” to refer to such states.
In recent years, we have witnessed a renewed interest in psychedelic therapy and research being called “the psychedelic renaissance.” Many people are discovering the potential benefits of psychedelic substances and master plants, and shamanism has become an increasingly sought method for healing. Dozens of clinical trials study the efficacy of psychedelic medicines such as MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine to treat serious conditions like PTSD and treatment-resistant depression. With respect to this new era of psychedelics, those of us involved with the Holotropic paradigm have much to contribute and consider. How do psychedelics compare with or compliment Holotropic Breathwork® as tools for personal development? What is the role of Holotropic Breathwork® now that psychedelics are becoming an accessible therapeutic method? How is the future of Holotropic Breathwork® affected, now that more people can access deep experiences through psychedelics and master plants?
In this workshop we will experiment two sessions of Holotropic Breathwork –one as breather and one as sitter and, on Friday evening, we will have the opportunity to have an introduction of its theoretical paradigm. On Sunday morning we will devote space and time to integrate individual experiences with different expressive techniques and a practice of meditation, in a shared context of trust and respect. HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK offers a great opportunity to open ourselves trustfully to what we happen to encounter and live, reconnecting with the wisdom of our inner healer and its transformative power. Beyond ourselves towards the great mysterious unknown. Ólos Trépein, moving towards the whole. This is the main goal in the intention of Stan and Cristina Grof, creators of this technique, extraordinarily efficacious in those critical moments of life in which we have an urgent need to find and orient ourselves. This experience is open to those who are new to HB, to expert breathers and to anyone seeking his way. The workshop will be held in English and in Italian, depending on the needs of the participants.
This residential workshop is ideal for deep inner work. It is held in Tietoisuuden Tila -retreat center in Kemiö-island, surrounded by beautiful nature of archipelago. Both Friday and Saturday there will be two breathing sessions, so there is plenty of time and space to dive deep. Accommodation and tasty vegetarian food is included in the workshop, so you can surrender to your inner process with your whole being and devote this long weekend for your well-being.
Therapeutic Use of Substances under the Holotropic Paradigm By Marc Aixalà and Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell and Jasmina Hrapovic Topics in this module: 1. Workshop presentation 2. General characteristics of substance induced non ordinary states of consciousness 3. Types of substances: etymology and classifications 4. Cultural and geographic uses of therapeutic substances 5. General principles of supporting non ordinary states of consciousness with substances 6. Distinctive features of various substances 7. Integration of the experience: relevant approach of each substance 8. When things don’t go as expected: a. Emergency intervention during the experience ...
The Holotropic Paradigm: The Psyche, The Inner Healer & Moving Toward Wholeness By Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell, Marc Aixalà and Jasmina Hrapovic This module offers an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork. Topics included in the module: Origin of Holotropic Breathwork. Holotropic Principles and strategy. The power of the Inner Healer and moving toward wholeness. The Holotropic Lineage in the context of the history of psychology. Presence: the discipline required to become an effective Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. Intervention during the session and closure. During the module,...
Theoretical and Practical Holotropic Breathwork Workshop. Saturday will be a full Holotropic Breathwork day. We begin at 9am with the theoretical presentation for new breathers andthen we'll continue with personal interviews, group dynamics and two Holotropic Breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter). After the morning breathwork session we will have time for lunch, and in the afternoon we'll continue with the second Holotropic BReathwork session. We will finish the day with integration time by drawing mandalas and group sharing, plus integration recommendations for after the workshop.
Theoretical and Practical Holotropic Breathwork Workshop. Saturday will be a full Holotropic Breathwork day. We begin at 9am with the theoretical presentation for new breathers andthen we'll continue with personal interviews, group dynamics and two Holotropic Breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter). After the morning breathwork session we will have time for lunch, and in the afternoon we'll continue with the second Holotropic BReathwork session. We will finish the day with integration time by drawing mandalas and group sharing, plus integration recommendations for after the workshop.
Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation By Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell, Marc Aixalà and Jasmina Hrapovic. Many people go through episodes of crisis of deep meaning that interfere with daily routine and with personal relationships. For some, those changes are progressive and relatively soft, but for others they can be dramatic and make every day functioning difficult. Some of these crises could involve radical transformations and represent a challenge both for the person who lives them and for those who witness the process. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” to allude to crises that carry a...
Holotropic Practicum: boosting your facilitation skills. By Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell, Marc Aixalà and Jasmina Hrapovic The aim of this new optional module is to deepen the experience of Holotropic facilitation in Expanded States of Consciousness (ESC). It is based on the knowledge learned in "The Power Within" (Bodywork module) and its purpose is taking the skills of the facilitator to a higher level. This module is open to anyone interested in Holotropic Breathwork, but is especially oriented towards those who are already facilitating or who intend to become HB facilitators in the future. Topics in this...
Theoretical and Practical Holotropic Breathwork Workshop. Saturday will be a full Holotropic Breathwork day. We begin at 9am with the theoretical presentation for new breathers andthen we'll continue with personal interviews, group dynamics and two Holotropic Breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter). After the morning breathwork session we will have time for lunch, and in the afternoon we'll continue with the second Holotropic Breathwork session. We will finish the day with integration time by drawing mandalas and group sharing, plus integration recommendations for after the workshop.