Feb 04, 2024

Marc B. Aixalà (module teacher and facilitator) is a Telecommunication Engineer and Psychologist with Master studies in Integrative and Strategic Therapy. He has been trained in the therapeutic use of Non Ordinary States of Consciousness. Also trained in MDMA assisted-psychotherapy for PTSD by MAPS and the use of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression, Marc is now working as a therapist in a clinical trial with psilocybin in Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona where he also mentors other psychedelic therapists. He has experience as a Team Leader and Trainer in emergency psychological assistance for people going through difficult psychedelic experiences at Boom Festival (Kosmicare 2010-2016).

Marc is the author of Psychedelic Integration: Psychotherapy for Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (2022).

Marc collaborates with ICEERS (International Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research and Service) by offering integration psychotherapy sessions for people in challenging situations after psychedelic experiences, developing theoretical models of intervention and training and supervising therapists. He is the author of “Psychedelic Integration: non-ordinary logics and the challenges of psychotherapy in expanded states of awareness”.

He works as a psychologist in his private practice in Barcelona and offers trainings, lectures and talks related to psychedelic psychotherapy and integration.


In recent years, we have witnessed a renewed interest in psychedelic therapy and research being called “the psychedelic renaissance.” Many people are discovering the potential benefits of psychedelic substances and master plants, and shamanism has become an increasingly sought method for healing. Dozens of clinical trials study the efficacy of psychedelic medicines such as MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine to treat serious conditions like PTSD and treatment-resistant depression. At the same time, the importance of Stanislav Grof’s Holotropic Paradigm and of Holotropic Breathwork® in the development of the psychedelic field still remains unknown to many. With respect to this new era of psychedelics, those of us involved with the Holotropic paradigm have much to contribute and consider. How do psychedelics compare with or compliment Holotropic Breathwork® as tools for personal development? What is the role of Holotropic Breathwork® now that psychedelics are becoming an accessible therapeutic method? What are commonalities and differences and what is it that the Holotropic approach has to offer to the individual process in comparison to psychedelics?

In this module we will explore in depth: 

  • The different paradigms in which psychedelics have been used, and are currently used. 
  • General characteristics of the main psychedelic medicines and the process they induce. 
  • The use of psychedelics from the Holotropic Paradigm developed by Grof, Sparks, and others. 
  • How do psychedelics compare to Holotropic Breathwork®? 
  • The principles of supporting processes from the Holotropic perspective. Dealing with challenging situations. 
  • The importance of integration of psychedelic experiences.


Thomas Liska

Facilitator and Organiser

Thomas Liska is GTT Europe Direktor and together with Sonja Busch founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe with extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain,...

Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...

Marc B.Aixalà

Teacher and Facilitator

Marc Aixalà is a Telecommunication Engineer, a Licensed Health Psychologist and Psychotherapist with post degree studies in Integrative Psychotherapy, and Strategic Therapy, and is trained in the ther...

Emilia Sanabria


Emilia Sanabria discovered Holotropic Breathwork in 2013 and began her training in 2017. She certified with Grof Transpersonal Training in Loveland Colorado in 2022. She has also completed the Mu...

Balázs Aladár Tóth


Balázs Aladár Tóth Works as an IT engineer and Holotropic Breathwork facilitator trainee, also a yoga instructor and sports trainer.  A person of both worlds, a journeyman and companion in our...


Römerstraße 2,, Zurndorf Austria, 2424

Römerstraße 2,, Zurndorf Austria, 2424


Early bird price for the Module is € 890- ink. 20%VAT payment til 15th of January 2024.
Regular price € 1040,- ink. 20%VAT. 
The hotel-room will be extra and direct payed in the hotel.
Full-board 93 Euro /night in a double room - singlerooms just by luck.
Website of Hotel Friedrichshof: http://www.hotel-friedrichshof.com


Please note that single room reservations will be confirmed upon registration, but depending on the group size, they may not be available, and only twin rooms are offered. A single room reservation is not guaranteed but will be allocated if possible.

The price includes the Training Module and two plentiful coffee-tea breaks every day.
Accommodation with full board is ordered by us and payed direct in Hotel Friedrichshof.



The cancellation fee is always EUR 200 ink.20%VAT,- for a Module.

If you cancel the module within 30 days before the course, the course fee will not be refunded, but could be applied to any other module or workshop with the Holotropic Association Austria (minus the cancellation fee).

Cancellation or non-attendance, even with registration 5 days before the retreat start, will result in a 100% retention of the total amount, and hotel costs must be covered.

If you cancel the workshop more than a month in advance the total amount minus 200- EUR cancellation fee will be refunded.
If the organization should cancel the event due to any reason, the entire amount paid for the course will be refunded to the participants. Please note: The organisation will not take any responsibility for any additional expenses the cancellation may cause to the participant such as for example travel expenses.