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Previous Events (31)

THE SPIRITUAL QUEST, ATTACHMENT, AND ADDICTION - GTT Module, 30 June -5 Juli 2024 - led by Paul McCormack

Jun 30, 2024

Past event

New ways to look at psychology and spirituality are offering exciting possibilities in the recovery movement, both for individual seekers and for those who work in the treatment field. This module explores a whole continuum, from the idea of addiction as an extreme form of attachment, which affects everyone and which is crucial to spiritual seekers of all practices, to the more articulate forms of addiction: substance, process, relationship, and more. Through theory, discussion and experiential exercises, we’ll look at: The disease paradigm of recovery; The wellness paradigm and the transpersonal recovery centre; Implications of perinatal...



May 13, 2024

Past event

Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.These moments of crises have been understood as psychosis or psychological regression by some and as opportunities and major breakthroughs by others. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” to refer to such states.


GTT Module "The Art of Living and Dying  - a Dance to the Music of Time". Taught by Jean Farrell, 9th-14th October 2022 MODULE IS FULLY BOOKED

Oct 09, 2022

Past event

A Grof Transpersonal Training module led by Jean Farrell Join us for an in-depth exploration of the fascinating human journey, from conception to death and rebirth. In embarking on this adventure, we may begin to “DANCE” with the music of time, rather than moving through life, resisting the flow toward death. Such a shift gives us the opportunity to fulfill our deepest life purposes, and let go consciously of what keeps us from embracing this crucial process of transformation. By viewing life and death through the lens of Holotropic Paradigm, we are able to explore, in depth, the triple dynamic and...


GTT Module - THE HOLOTROPIC PARADIGM: The Psyche, The Inner Healer & Moving Towards Wholeness. Taught by Sonja Busch & GTT staff - 6th - 11th February 2022

Feb 06, 2022

Past event

Topics included: 1.The power of the Inner Healer and moving toward wholeness.  2.Presence: the disciplines required to become an effective Holotropic Breathwork practitioner.  3.COEX's: How the Inner Healer orchestrates transformation through our experience of the psyche.  4.Exploration of the frontiers of the psyche through Movie Yoga.  5.Sessions stories: valuable teachings from practitioners through their work with breathers. 6.Open forums focusing on every facet of the Holotropic experience. 7.Dance, meditation, music journeys and nature celebration During the course of the six-day workshop, each participant will experience two sessions of HB...



Mar 08, 2020

Past event

f one has compassion for self, the natural consequence is to have compassion for others. Many of us have a core imprint that “I am not safe, and I can’t trust”. The challenge for us to trust and connect with our deepest selves greatly impacts on our ability to trust and connect with others. This makes it difficult for us to risk reaching out when we need support. A daily practice of mindfulness and compassion for self and others is a crucial step towards healing traumas that make it so hard for us to trust and feel safe. In this module we will explore: a variety of simple daily practices, which can transform our relationship to ourselves; the exciting scientific research of Kristin Neff and Paul Gilbert, which connects neurobiology with our ability to be nurtured; practices of self-compassion that help to shift our neurobiological pathways and heal our instinctual response, changing it from “I don’t trust” to “I can trust and feel safe”; how self- compassion can deepen our ability to support others. Furthermore, we will experience the healing powers of expanded states of consciousness in 4 Holotropic Breathwork sessions (2 as a breather and 2 as a sitter). To participate you don't need any previous experience with Holotropic Breathwork. If you feel drawn, you are welcome!


Every Body Knows - Moving into Presence with Defne Erdur, 24-29 November 2019 

Nov 24, 2019

Past event

"The mind is like the wind and the body like the sand: if you want to see how the wind is blowing, you can look at the sand." — Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen "Everything that is" invites us to dive deeper into the layers of our presence; to seek a conscious yet liberated and sovereign place to dance our life from. Together we will be zooming into our physical, emotional and mental foundation. We will be working with the sensations and anatomical make up of our bodies from conception until now, directing our awareness to responses for inner and outer stimuli and finding our own resources for resilience.


Holotropic Weekend - Scotland - Adventures in Expanded States of Consciousness

Aug 26, 2019

Past event

Therapeutic Use of Substances under the Holotropic Paradigm By Marc Aixalà and Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell and Jasmina Hrapovic  Topics in this module: 1. Workshop presentation 2. General characteristics of substance induced non ordinary states of consciousness 3. Types of substances: etymology and classifications 4. Cultural and geographic uses of therapeutic substances 5. General principles of supporting non ordinary states of consciousness with substances 6. Distinctive features of various substances 7. Integration of the experience: relevant approach of each substance 8. When things don’t go as expected:       a. Emergency intervention during the experience    ...


CPD Double Breathe Holotropic Event for Certified Facilitators - Scotland

Aug 19, 2019

Past event

The Holotropic Paradigm: The Psyche, The Inner Healer & Moving Toward Wholeness By Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell, Marc Aixalà and Jasmina Hrapovic   This module offers an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork. Topics included in the module: Origin of Holotropic Breathwork. Holotropic Principles and strategy. The power of the Inner Healer and moving toward wholeness. The Holotropic Lineage in the context of the history of psychology. Presence: the discipline required to become an effective Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. Intervention during the session and closure. During the module,...


Inner Ethics and the Journey beyond Self - Finding the Power and Beauty of Right Relationship - GTT Module  with Kylea Taylor - 30 June to 5 July 2019, Peace Castle Schlaining

Jun 30, 2019

Past event

“Ethics has to do with the most interesting parts of human life: money (exchange), sex, relationship, self-understanding, power, love, truth, insight, and mysticism. In summary, ethics is about relationship. It is about the inner relationships of our values to action. It is about the interaction between one belief and another, one desire and another, one fear and another. Ethics is about how we view and treat “the other” in our personal and professional communities. Ethics is the process by which we sort out what best creates inner and outer harmony in our lives and in the lives of those we care for.” (Kylea Taylor in The Ethics of Caring) The Ethics of Caring provides a no-blame model based on self-compassion and curiosity that supports a willingness to uncover and own our motivations, share with our peers what we have learned from ethical missteps, and make good choices on behalf of our clients and ourselves.


Holotropic Weekend - Scotland - Adventures in Expanded States of Consciousness

Apr 23, 2019

Past event

Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation By Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell, Marc Aixalà and Jasmina Hrapovic. Many people go through episodes of crisis of deep meaning that interfere with daily routine and with personal relationships. For some, those changes are progressive and relatively soft, but for others they can be dramatic and make every day functioning difficult. Some of these crises could involve radical transformations and represent a challenge both for the person who lives them and for those who witness the process. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” to allude to crises that carry a...


Holotropic Zoom Gathering

Apr 16, 2019

Past event

Holotropic Practicum: boosting your facilitation skills. By Sitara Blasco, with Juanjo Segura, Jean Farrell, Marc Aixalà and Jasmina Hrapovic The aim of this new optional module is to deepen the experience of Holotropic facilitation in Expanded States of Consciousness (ESC). It is based on the knowledge learned in "The Power Within" (Bodywork module) and its purpose is taking the skills of the facilitator to a higher level. This module is open to anyone interested in Holotropic Breathwork, but is especially oriented towards those who are already facilitating or who intend to become HB facilitators in the future. Topics in this...


Holotropic Day - Scotland - Adventures in Expanded States of Consciousness

Apr 04, 2019

Past event

For more information see:


Holotropic Breathwork and Integration - workshop with Jean Farrell

Mar 22, 2019

Past event

This residential three day workshop takes place on Finland Hämeenlinna, Aulangon suuri huvila (villa of Aulanko), which is located next to the lake of Aulanko, in a beautiful and peaceful natural landscape. There will be two breathing sessions, in which each participant will be breathing and sitting in one session. In addition there is given extra focus with practical exercises on how to integrate experiences of non-ordinary states of consciousness in everyday life. Workshop is leaded by GTT senior staff member Jean Farrell. She is a psychotherapist working especially with traumas and she is living currently on Ireland. She has been facilitating and teaching Holotropic Breathwork passionately since 1996. Jean has unique and practical way of teaching and she has amazing skills in facilitating. You don't want to miss this opportunity to meet our loved and skillful teacher! ​ This workshop is ideal for deep and focused inner work. All you need to do is to surrender to your inner world with a help of breath. We got everything else covered: tasty vegan food, accommodation, sauna and avanto (hole in the ice), peaceful nature and intimate group of fellow breathers. And with Jeans tips for integration, you are sure to land safely back on your everyday life with a holotropic inspiration. ​ Preliminary Schedule: Friday: 15:30 - 21:00, registration, opening and preparation Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00, 2x breathing session Sunday: 9:00 - 15:00, sharing, integration and closing ​ Price includes vegan dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday There is also going to be tea, coffee and snacks during the workshop. ​ Accommodation There is 30 beds in different sized dorm rooms in Aulangon huvila but it is also possible to sleep on mattresses in the breathing hall. There is little extra payment for the rooms, but the breathing hall -option is free. Shared toilets and showers are in the corridor. We try to share the beds by your preferences, but because there is limited number of different sized rooms, we can not guarantee you the room you choose. If you prefer more privacy it is also possible to get room from the hotel Skandic Aulanko, which is 5 min car drive away (2,7 km). You need to arrange hotel room by yourself. Price is approx 100€ for double room/night in hotel. There is a shuttle car ride to and from Scandic Hotel if needed. Payments for the accommodation can be paid when arriving to workshop. 4hh 5€/night/bed, 3hh 7,5€/night/bed, 2hh 10€/night/bed, Mattress place in breathing hall is free. ​ Link To Scandic hotel Aulanko: ​ How to reserve your place in the Workshop: 1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below 2. Pay the Deposit fee or the whole payment of the workshop (Payment details below) Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and payed the deposit fee or the whole payment of the workshop. If the workshop is gets full, there will be a waiting list. The purpose of Medical form is to survey your relevant background information and possible contraindications for the workshop. This helps us to ensure that you can participate safely to the workshop and that we can support your process safely during and after the workshop. If you answer “yes” to some question, it doesn't automatically mean, that you cannot participate. In such a case we are going to get in touch with you so we can try to find together a safe way for you to participate. If some question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification. We will also interview all the participants, who have not been before in our workshops. It is also an good opportunity to ask questions or express if you have any worries or wishes regarding the workshop. Payment information: Workshop prices: Full price: 270€ // Earlybird 250€ until 28.2. Member / student / unemployed / senior citizen price: 250€ // Earlybird 230€ until 28.2. ​ To receive your place in the workshop, you need to pay the deposit fee (50€) or the whole workshop price. ​ Bank information Account owner: Holotropic Breathwork Finland ry Address of the company: Parkinkatu 7 as 1, 20500 Turku, Finland IBAN: FI20 7997 7990 1619 57 BIC: HOLVFIHH Amount(€): Workshop price (270€/250€/230€) / deposit fee (50€) Message: Workshop 3/19 + Your full name It is also possible to pay the workshop in cash but in this case we wish that you could pay reservation fee to our account and the rest of the payment when arriving to the workshop. If you have some problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find good solution. Deposit- / cancellation fee 50€ If you need for some reason to cancel your participation to the workshop, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 7.3. If the cancellation is done after that, we will need to keep the reservation fee. Because in the breathing-sessions there can be sometimes strong emotional and physical experiences, for safety reasons it is not generally recommended for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this workshop is safe for you, just contact us so we can discuss about your situation.


Holotropic Day - Scotland - Adventures in Expanded States of Consciousness

Feb 21, 2019

Past event

For more information see:


„ WHO AM I "   -  Workshop with Jean Farrell, 27 Nov - 2 Dec 2018, Peace Castle Schlaining Austria

Nov 27, 2018

Past event

 ‘I’ Who am I? Really? We talk in terms of I, but who is this’I’? We invite you to an adventure of self discovery.This workshop will be an experiential exploration of this perennial question in an attempt to discover our authentic self, the essence of the core of our being. This will enable us to live more spontaneously and fully who we are. Each participant will experience, also, four sessions of Holotropic Breathwork both as breather (2 sessions) and sitter (2 sessions). What a journey this could be!    You will receive more information on agenda, practices we will do etc. after...


Holotropic Breathwork workshop and Trauma and Healing experiential exercises  with Jean Farrell in Érd (Budapest) 8-11 November 2018

Nov 08, 2018

Past event

"Trauma creates a change you don't choose. Healing creates a change you do choose."(Michelle Rosenthal) This special event consits of a three-day residential double breatwork workshop and a one-day experiential excercises with focus on trauma and healing.  The workshop will be held at the natural, yet easily accessible Regina Mundi Monastery in Érd, in the suburbs of Budapest. The group will be supported by an experienced international GTT facilitator team. Likewise, we expect participants from several countries. The workshop will be held in English with Hungarian translation. On  the first day of the four day workhsop there will be an...


Holotropic Breathwork Workshop 14-16 September, Westport, Ireland

Sep 14, 2018

Past event

For more information see:


Sep 12, 2018

Past event

Fairfield Fairfield / Australia

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Aug 16, 2018

Past event

Mandatory Module valid for Grof Transpersonal Training in Holotropic Breathwork In this module we will explore the necessary elements to create of a Holotropic Breathwork session. We will discuss important aspects of preparation, the necessary components to conduct sessions, paying special attention to music, and the integration. We will listen to a wide variety of music for the different phases of experiences in expanded states of consciousness, immersing ourselves in an exciting and transformative journey through the world of music. Experientially we will journey through sound and rhythm. Music has always been a vital for creation, as well as a...


Jul 02, 2018

Past event

6-day residential module with Sitara Blasco. In this module, Holotropic theory comes alive. It’s where we experience the essence of the practice first hand. We not only discuss the principles that support and inform the practice of Holotropic Breathwork. But we go beyond theory to show why Holotropic Breathwork is such a special method for personal exploration and healing. This is a unique opportunity to move to deeper levels of your own inner process and also to learn what’s behind the Holotropic approach to working with others. As you become acquainted with accompanying others on their journeys, you will also discover...


Holotropic Day - Scotland - Adventures in Expanded States of Consciousness

Jun 08, 2018

Past event

For more information please check the website of Holotropic Breathwork Ireland



Apr 02, 2018

Past event

Understanding spiritual emergency is one of the major contributions of the holotropic perspective. Whether you are a professional or a layperson, someone interested in working with or supporting people in transformational crises, or primarily in your own growth, the module offers a rich experience and valuable information. In addition to differentiating between psychosis and spiritual emergency, we’ll also explore the intensely practical aspects of who, in these kinds of crises, can benefit from Holotropic Breathwork and how best to work with them in their emergencies. This workshop includes a discussion of the concept of spiritual emergency, its manifestations and forms,...


THE POWER WITHIN with JEAN FARRELL in Saint Petersburg

Mar 16, 2018

Past event

Holotropic Breathwork Workshop with JEAN FARRELL and International team of facilitators 16-18 March, St-Petersburg, Russia We are pleased to invite you to Saint Petersburg (Russia) to the Holotropic workshop with Jean Farrell (Great Britain), one of the most respected and reputable experts of Grof Transpersonal Training in the world. Here you can feel the atmosphere of real Holotropic Breathwork and get in contact with mysterious dimension within yourself in the safe space full of support, attention, heartiness and respect. At the workshop we will talk about basics of Holotropic Breathwork, healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness and mechanisms of...


The Art and Practice of Integration - GTT Module with Mireya Alejo Mercet, 14 - 19 November 2017, Peace Castle Schlaining, Austria

Nov 14, 2017

Past event

In this retreat, we will experientially inhabit and exemplify the theme of integration through the vehicles of expressive arts, altar and sacred space creation, time in nature, context setting through Holotropic theory, slowing down and contemplation. We will also have time in community and for discussion. "INTEGRATION" is a vital component of Holotropic Breathwork practice, as well as any other work in expanded states of consciousness. We are often reminded that preparation, session & integration are all necessary components of any complete transformational experience. Exploration with Holotropic states has impact on the totality of our being and our lives on...


GTT module 'Psychedelics: Promises & Perils'     3 - 8 October 2017, Slovenia

Oct 03, 2017

Past event

Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) - 6 day intensive module Diane Haug Psychedelic Experience: Promises and Perils October 3-8 2017 Otocec ob Krki, Slovenia This module will be lead by Diane Haug, M.A., LPCC who is a licensed therapist and senior member of the Grof Transpersonal Training staff. Having completed the Grof’s first three-year training program, Diane has been involved with the international Holotropic Breathwork community since 1986. She has developed GTT training modules including: 'Shamanism: An Exploration of Traditional Wisdom,' 'The Art and Practice of Integrating Deep Inner Experience,' 'Living with Dying,' and 'The Psychedelic Experience: Promises and Perils.' Diane...


Holotropic Breathwork Workshop 22nd-24th September - Budapest

Sep 22, 2017

Past event

AGENDA The workshop starts on Friday at 3 p.m. and closes on Sunday at 1 p.m. Friday: registration, introduction, opening circle, getting to know each other.Saturday: two breathwork sessions (one as a „breather” and one as a „sitter”). Integration will happen through artwork and movement.Sunday: sharing, information on integration, closing ritual. REGISTRATION Registrations are valid by submission of the registration form via email ( and payment of the deposit either by cash or by bank transfer. Registrations are accepted in chronological order. The group has limited number of places. Upon filling, applications are placed on a waiting list. Due to the interest and to...


Holotropic Breathwork™ workshop "Eros and Psyche" with Stanislav Grof in Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Sep 16, 2017

Past event

September 16-21, 2017 Holotropic Breathwork™ workshop “Eros and Psyche” with Stanislav Grof and international team of facilitators will be held in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. The workshop program includes theoretical part and Holotropic Breathwork™ sessions. Participation fee (non-inclusive accommodation and food): early registration and prepayment before September 1, 2017 - US dollars. Registration and prepayment after September 1, 2017 – US dollars. It is possible to attend only lecture days, September 16-17. Participation fee: early registration and prepayment before September 1, 2017 - US dollars.   We are glad to announce a visit of Stanislav Grof, the founder of Holotropic Breathwork™ and...


HOLOTROPIC WEEKEND with TAV SPARKS - lecture and experiential workshop

Apr 21, 2017

Past event

Tav Sparks first time in Greece! Join us for his lecture and experimental workshop. This journey of self-discovery and healing will be led by Tav Sparks, offering you a rare opportunity to learn about the holotropic paradigm and transformative and healing potentials of holotropic states of consciousness from the director of Grot Transpersonal Training, (GTT). Tav is a teacher, lecturer and one of the closest associates of Dr. Stanislav Grof, with more than 30 years of experience. Tav will lead this workshop together GTT staff Europe JeanFarrell, Holly Harman, Irena Antolic and extended international team of facilitators. The workshop will...


Therapeutic Use of Substances. 4th-9th April 2017 in Spain

Apr 04, 2017

Past event

6-day residential workshop with Sitara Blasco and Marc Baños. In the last years there has been a renewed interest in researching the benefits of substances. We will focus on accompaniment and peculiarities of this work. Workshop content: 1. Workshop presentation 2. General characteristics of substance induced non ordinary states of consciousness 3. Types of substances: etymology and classifications 4. Cultural and geographic uses of therapeutic substances 5. General principles of supporting non ordinary states of consciousness with substances 6. Distinctive features of various substances 7. Integration of the experience: relevant approach of each substance 8. When things don’t go as...


Jean Farrell


Westport Ireland