Holotropic Breathwork and Integration - workshop with Jean Farrell 

Aulangon suuri huvila, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 22.3.-24.3.​2019


Holotropic Breathwork Finland




Holotropic Breathwork and integration -workshop

This residential three day workshop takes place on Finland Hämeenlinna, Aulangon suuri huvila (villa of Aulanko), which is located next to the lake of Aulanko, in a beautiful and peaceful natural landscape. There will be two breathing sessions, in which each participant will be breathing and sitting in one session. In addition there is given extra focus with practical exercises on how to integrate experiences of non-ordinary states of consciousness in everyday life. Workshop is leaded by GTT senior staff member Jean Farrell. She is a psychotherapist working especially with traumas and she is living currently on Ireland. She has been facilitating and teaching Holotropic Breathwork passionately since 1996. Jean has unique and practical way of teaching and she has amazing skills in facilitating. You don't want to miss this opportunity to meet our loved and skillful teacher!

This workshop is ideal for deep and focused inner work. All you need to do is to surrender to your inner world with a help of breath. We got everything else covered: tasty vegan food, accommodation, sauna and avanto (hole in the ice), peaceful nature and intimate group of fellow breathers. And with Jeans tips for integration, you are sure to land safely back on your everyday life with a holotropic inspiration.

Preliminary Schedule:

Friday: 15:30 - 21:00, registration, opening and preparation

Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00, 2x breathing session

Sunday: 9:00 - 15:00, sharing, integration and closing


There is 30 beds in different sized dorm rooms in Aulangon huvila but it is also possible to sleep on mattresses in the breathing hall. There is little extra payment for the rooms, but the breathing hall -option is free. Shared toilets and showers are in the corridor. We try to share the beds by your preferences, but because there is limited number of different sized rooms, we can not guarantee you the room you choose. If you prefer more privacy it is also possible to get room from the hotel Skandic Aulanko, which is 5 min car drive away (2,7 km). You need to arrange hotel room by yourself. Price is approx 100€ for double room/night in hotel. There is a shuttle car ride to and from Scandic Hotel if needed. Payments for the accommodation can be paid when arriving to workshop.

4hh 5€/night/bed, 3hh 7,5€/night/bed, 2hh 10€/night/bed, Mattress place in breathing hall is free.

Link To Scandic hotel Aulanko: https://www.scandichotels.fi/hotellit/suomi/hameenlinna/scandic-aulanko

How to reserve your place in the Workshop:

1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below

2. Pay the Deposit fee or the whole payment of the workshop
(Payment details below)

Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and payed the deposit fee or the whole payment of the workshop. If the workshop is gets full, there will be a waiting list.

The purpose of Medical form is to survey your relevant background information and possible contraindications for the workshop. This helps us to ensure that you can participate safely to the workshop and that we can support your process safely during and after the workshop. If you answer “yes” to some question, it doesn't automatically mean, that you cannot participate. In such a case we are going to get in touch with you so we can try to find together a safe way for you to participate. If some question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification.

We will also interview all the participants, who have not been before in our workshops. It is also an good opportunity to ask questions or express if you have any worries or wishes regarding the workshop.

Payment information:

 Workshop prices

Full price: 270€ // Earlybird 250€ until 28.2.
Member / student / unemployed / senior citizen price: 250€ // Earlybird 230€ until 28.2.

To receive your place in the workshop, you need to pay the deposit fee (50€) or the whole workshop price.

Price includes vegan dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday  There is also going to be tea, coffee and snacks during the workshop.

Bank information
Account owner: Holotropic Breathwork Finland ry
Address of the company: Parkinkatu 7 as 1, 20500 Turku, Finland
IBAN: FI20 7997 7990 1619 57
Amount(€): Workshop price (270€/250€/230€) / deposit fee (50€)
Message: Workshop 3/19 + Your full name 

It is also possible to pay the workshop in cash but in this case we wish that you could pay reservation fee to our account and the rest of the payment when arriving to the workshop.

If you have some problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find good solution.

Deposit- / cancellation fee 50€
If you need for some reason to cancel your participation to the workshop, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 7.3. If the cancellation is done after that, we will need to keep the reservation fee.

Because in the breathing-sessions there can be sometimes strong emotional and physical experiences, for safety reasons it is not generally recommended for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this workshop is safe for you, just contact us so we can discuss about your situation.