Weekend Workshop in Slovakia, 11-13 May 2018

This 2,5 day Holotropic Breathwork workshop allows for self-healing and self-exploration as well as accessing the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. During this workshop two breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter) will allow you in a very safe setting to access expanded states of consciousness, in which your own wisdom connects with your inner healing and inner transforming power. This healing wisdom guides the experiences towards those aspects which carry a charge, and are ready to be processed or integrated. Holotropic Breathwork might be of interest if:

• You are seeking a more experiential approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy.
• You are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights.
• You want to release unresolved issues from the past.
• You want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical / psychosomatic condition.
• You want to expand your consciousness and further explore your spiritual path.


Start: 11th of May at 5 pm

Finish: 13th of May around 1 pm with a joint lunch

Friday evening: Opening Circle, getting to know each other, soul collage and introduction to Holotropic Breathwork.

Saturday: two breathwork sessions (one time “breathing”, one time “sitting”) will facilitate entering into the deeply healing and transformative power of expanded states of consciousness. Integration will happen through artwork, sharing (as much or as little as you like) and body movement. 

Sunday: Open sharing circle for further integration as well as information on integration and self-care. 

Price: 180 Euro (accomodation and food included)

For registration and more detailed information please contact Martin Duris directly at martin.duris82@gmail.com or by phone at 00421 949 141 025



Thomas Liska

Facilitator and Organiser

Thomas Liska is GTT Europe Direktor and together with Sonja Busch founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe with extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain,...

Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...


Investment for the workshop is € 180,- including food and accomodation.

Venue Name

Lesna Zahrada


Lesna Zahrada, 358,

903 01 Hrubý Šúr,




Payment Details

In case you would like to come, please send non-refundable deposit € 50,- to the bank account: SK20 8360 5207 0042 0287 4302

Travel Information

For travel information please check the website: http://www.lesnazahrada.sk/kontakt/

If you need support in traveling to the place please contact Martin Duris at martin.duris82@gmail.com