Holotropic Breathwork meets Shamanism/Chamanismo y Respiración Holotrópica, José Vila y Esperanza Lopez, 23rd-28th April 2019, Peace Castle Schlaining, Austria (English, Espanol, Deutsch)

This 6-day workshop combines Holotropic Breathwork with shamanic work in a harmonic integrative way allowing for a deep healing experience. In the spirit of doing an “amazon diet” we will experience the intake of Tabacco and Taita Selva, a mix of 8 different master plants. The spirit of working with master plants is a ritual context where the focus in on the intention of cleansing, healing and knowledge which fosters an intimate contact with one-self. The work with the plant will support and integrate the expereinces from the breathwork in a very harmonious and gentle way.


Tabacco is a Master Plant collected in the Amazon. It's mission is to look for emotional ancient prints that we have been storing in our body over the years. It's purpose is to cleanse, to purify on the physically and emotional level. And it prepares body and mind for the Taita Selva.


Taita Selva is a mixture of 8 master plants of the Peruvian Amazon whose mission is to re-balance at an energetic level and purify negative thoughts.Taita Selva is designed for use in diet (4 days of intakes).This mixture of plants goes in two directions:- The psychic-emotional part works through clarifying dreams of past, present and future of a high level of understanding. It is a teacher in dreams. Frequently forgotten moments of the past are seen. You revive and recognize entire periods of life. It is knowledge in a liquid state. It is the guide to worlds where knowledge and light exist. It is useful to heal the cold of the heart; Warms a cold heart or cools a heart full of anger. It helps people to love and connect with others, as well as with themselves. It facilitates emotional healing.- Used in the physical plane it is effective to heal those cold bodies, which suffer from cold hands and feet, little circulation and numb body. It has a high content of vitamins and minerals that provide a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, dental analgesic, brain tonic, anemia, cholesterol, menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, female sterility, fever, post-menstrual and post-operative bleeding, stomach ulcers , antibacterial, antihistamine, antispasmodic, diuretic, hypotensive (low tension), muscle relaxant, uterine relaxant, antidiabetic, vasodilator, antirheumatic, healing, insomnia, arthritis and bronchitis. 


All the Master Plants that we will use in the workshop are legally permitted. The shamanic work will be guided by José and Esperanza, both with more than 20 years of experience in leading groups and shamanic rituals. The Holotropic Breathwork will be guided by expierienced GTT certified facilitators. The workshop takes place in English and Spanish with translation from/into German if needed.


We will start on 23rd April at 10:00 am with registration 12:00 am lunch and at 13:00 am with the Opening Circle and introduction to the work. On 28th April we close at lunch time (1pm). Please book your travel so that you can attend the whole workshop from beginning to the end (for timing see the further information on travel below!).

Each participant will experience, also, four sessions of Holotropic Breathwork both as breather (2 sessions) and sitter (2 sessions).

The workshop is counted as a part of the GTT training program as a workshop!


To register please click here. If you have any severe physical or mental conditions or any question please contact Thomas Liska (+43 699 17187915) or Sonja Busch (+43 699 12346253) in advance to exclude any possible contraindications.


 Lecturer Information

José Vila

Born in Sabadell in 1951, coming from a technical background he became an entrepreneur, until his health problems led him to seek a solution that Western medicine cannot seem to offer and came into contact with the traditional Amazonian medicine and knowledge of the sacred plants, which brought him not only his personal healing but also the discovery of their abilities to help others.

Today José is devoted entirely to work with the "master plants" as he likes to say, since their purpose is to awaken the inner teacher that every person has inside. This work with plants is twofold: healing and knowledge. In short, finding (and surrendering) to your own life's path.

Furthermore, he is therapist in the "Yesod Center" which he foundeded in 1993 in his hometown of Sabadell together with his wife, Esperanza.

José and Esperanza are also certified Holotropic Breathwork Practitioners and work in group settings as well as with individuals using a wide range of therapeutic techniques.

Jose is author of the book "Let it happen- a path of healing through Ayahuasca and Master Plants of the Peruvian Amazon" (English Edition)

Esperanza Lopez

Born in Sabadell in 1952, she has combined always work with family life, focusing on a professional development that would serve others. Besides her extensive knowledge and work with master plants, especially tobacco, she also trained in other natural therapies such as flower essences as well as different manual techniques such as chiropractic, reflexology and cranio sacral which she also teaches. 

Having completed training in Family Constellations and Holotropic Breathwork she works together with her husband José in the Yesod Therapy Center in Sabadell.  



Thomas Liska

Facilitator and Organiser

Thomas Liska is GTT Europe Direktor and together with Sonja Busch founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe with extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain,...

Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...

Nora McDonnell

Facilitator and Organiser

Nora is a retired secondary school teacher in the west of Ireland. She enjoys bringing the  holotropic perspective to her everyday interactions with both young people and all her relationships. S...

Marina Trots


Born 1971 in UkraineHer academic background includes Psychology - International University Kiev 2008Education in process-oriented Psychology 2010 in MoskauCertified Facilitator in Holotropic Breathwor...

Viktor Pestsov

Facilitator and Organiser


Early bird price for this 6-day-workshop in Peace Castle Schlaing is € 520,- (registration and payment before 20th March 2019). When registering after 20th March 2019 the price is € 690,-. This includes the workshop with 4 breathworks, shamanic work and two coffee breaks every day.

Hotel accommodation in Hotel Peace Castle Schlaining (http://www.hotel.friedensburg.at/) including full DIET board costs € 62,- for a double and € 74,- for a single room per person and night and will be paid directly with the hotel. When registering please state which kind of room you wish and be aware that there is only a limited number of single rooms available.


Venue Name

Peace Castle Schlaining


Rochusplatz 1 Stadtschlaining, Austria, A-7461

Rochusplatz 1 A

A-7461 Stadtschlaining


Payment Details

Holotropic Association
Otto-Probst-Platz 8/1/14
1100 Wien, Austria
IBAN: AT42 1420 0200 1095 2132
Reference Code: Shamanismweek 2019 + name of participant


Cancellation Policy

The cancellation fee is € 50,- any time you cancel the workshop.

If you cancel the workshop within 30 days before the start, the whole workshop amount will not be refunded, but after deducting the € 50,- cancellation fee it could be applied to any other workshop or Module during the following 4 years (with Holotropic Association Austria).

If you cancel the workshop more than 30 days in advance the total amount (minus the 50 Euro cancellation fee) will be refunded.

Travel Information

If you travel by car

The peace castle Schlaining is located in the Southern part of Austria:
Driving distance from Vienna: 1.5 hours
Driving distance from Bratislava: 2 hours
Driving distance from Zagreb/Ljubljana: 2.5 hours

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/WV23uW3wB542

If you travel by plane

Vienna International Airport (VIE) http://www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers

Bratislava (BTS) http://www.bts.aero/en/passengers/, from Bratislava airport a direct bus goes to Vienna.

From Vienna airport a direct bus goes five times a day to Pinggau (half an hour from Peace Castle Schlaining). For those arriving to Vienna airport on Wednesday we will try to assist in arranging car sharing opportunities or if this does not work out arrange a transfer possibility from Pinggau to Schlaining. For the return on Sunday we can organize a transfer to Pinggau bus station after the closure of the workshop for the busses departing at 13:50 and 16:40.

The bus schedule looks as follows:

Airport Vienna - Pinggau and return Pinggau - Airport Vienna

10:50 - 12:15------------------03:40 - 05:10

13:50 - 15:15------------------06:50 - 08:20

16:50 - 18:15------------------10:30 - 12:00

21:00 - 22:25------------------13:50 - 15:20

23:55 - 01:20------------------16:40 - 18:10

You can also check the link here: Bus airport Vienna - Pinggau

Public transport by bus from Vienna City Center

is available regulary from Vienna and Graz to Oberwart (10 min from Schlaining) where you can take a taxi.

Bus schedule Vienna - Oberwart as well as Graz - Oberwart: http://www.linie-g1.at/wp-content/uploads//2016/03/Fahrplan_7900_20160317.pdf