Rachela Dobrzańska Back to profile

Previous Events (5)


May 13, 2024

Past event

Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.These moments of crises have been understood as psychosis or psychological regression by some and as opportunities and major breakthroughs by others. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term “Spiritual Emergency” to refer to such states.


GTT Module - MUSIC AND TRANSCENDENCE. 11th-16th Februar 2024

Feb 11, 2024

Past event

6 day-residential workshop (in English) integrating lectures with deep experiential practice of Holotropic Breathwork Grof Transpersonal Training staff Peter Köllerer, Jean Farrell Sonja Busch, Thomas Liska Hotel Friedrichshof ,Austria This course is aimed at persons interested in Transpersonal Psychology. This is one of the four mandatory modules to become an HB certified facilitator.  In this module, we will explore the necessary elements to create a Holotropic Breathwork session.


Secrets of Psychedelic Integration 4 day intensive with double breathwork

Jun 22, 2023

Past event

This event is for you if • You are interested in transpersonal psychology and psychedelic therapy • You have previous psychedelic/non-ordinary state of consciousness experience that you need to integrate • You work with people who could use help integrating their experiences • You haven’t found effective therapy for yourself and want to explore the potentials of expanded states of consciousness • You are a psychonaut looking for a deep and insightful self-exploration experience


THE HOLOTROPIC PARADIGM: The Psyche, The Inner Healer & Moving Towards Wholeness. With SITARA BLASCO & GTT staff

May 08, 2023

Past event

6-day residential module with Sitara Blasco and GTT Staff This module offers an exciting exploration of the philosophy, principles, and strategies underlying the experience and practice of Holotropic Breathwork®. Topics included: 1. Origin of Holotropic Breathwork.  2. Holotropic Principles and Holotropic Strategy.  3. The Inner Healer.  4. Cartography.  5. Perinatal Matrices. 6. COEX Systems. 7. Holotropic Lineage. 8. Therapeutic mechanisms operating in Holotropic Breathwork. During the course of the six-day workshop, each participant will experience two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or "breather", and two sessions as a partner, or "sitter". Besides the breathwork experiences and the topics covered (described above), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the workshop. This is one of the four mandatory modules to become a HB certified facilitator. To participate in the module it is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathwork. It is required to complete a brief confidential medical form. If you wish to continue with the Grof Transpersonal Training, this module is one of the four mandatory required.


Rachela Dobrzańska