Michael Riegler Back to profile

Previous Events (14)

20.-21.12. Holotropes Atmen im Zentrum Wiens

Dec 20, 2024

Past event

1,5 Tage Workshop im Zentrum Wiens


1,5 Tage Workshop in Salzburg

Sep 21, 2024

Past event

1,5 Tage Workshop in Wien

Jul 12, 2024

Past event

Double Holotropic Breathwork in Czechia, May 16th-19th 2024

May 16, 2024

Past event

PRICE EUR 400.- Price includes full-board accommodation.


Holotropic Breathwork weekend in Berlin - November 10-12

Nov 10, 2023

Past event

Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.


Vienna 18.-19.8.23 - Zeitraum

Aug 18, 2023

Past event

Holotropic Breathwork weekend in Berlin - Juni 9-11

Jun 09, 2023

Past event

Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.


Vienna 26.-27.5.23 - Zeitraum

May 26, 2023

Past event

Holotropic Breathwork weekend in Berlin - January 13 - 15

Jan 13, 2023

Past event

Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.



May 09, 2019

Past event

We warmly invite everybody who is interested in Holotropic Breathwork™ to meet at the retreat center Sklenářka in Orlice mountains. Holotropic Breathwork™ is an experimental method of self-exploration. It is created from old shamanic traditions and modern depth and transpersonal psychology. The method is based on focusing on a simple breathing-technique in combination with evocative music in a safe environment. This set-up evokes expanded states of consciouness through which we can geta deeper understanding of our psyche. We might face and transform roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenging situations in our daily lives. We can get in contact with the...



Mar 22, 2019

Past event

We warmly invite everybody who is interested in Holotropic Breathwork™ to meet at the retreat center Sklenářka in Orlice mountains. Holotropic Breathwork™ is an experimental method of self-exploration. It is created from old shamanic traditions and modern depth and transpersonal psychology. The method is based on focusing on a simple breathing-technique in combination with evocative music in a safe environment. This set-up evokes expanded states of consciouness through which we can geta deeper understanding of our psyche. We might face and transform roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenging situations in our daily lives. We can get in contact with the...


Michael Riegler


Bandgasse 34/29c Wien Austria