We warmly invite everybody who is interested in Holotropic Breathwork™ to meet at the retreat center Sklenářka in Orlice mountains.

Holotropic Breathwork™ is an experimental method of self-exploration. It is created from old shamanic traditions and modern depth and transpersonal psychology. The method is based on focusing on a simple breathing-technique in combination with evocative music in a safe environment.

This set-up evokes expanded states of consciouness through which we can geta deeper understanding of our psyche. We might face and transform roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenging situations in our daily lives. We can get in contact with the transpersonal level of our psyche and with our own inner-healing capacities.

The seminar will be facilitated by people who are trained by Grof Transpersonal Training™. Holotropic Breathwork™ is especially powerful due to an adequate preparation, safe environment, support through focused energy release work on the physical level and support in the integration of the experience.

 Main image - Martina Hoffmann, Colibri


Michael Riegler

Facilitator and Organiser

Meine Erfahrung mit dem holotropen Atmen reicht über 25 Jahre zurück. Ausgebildet von Stan Grof (u.a.) bin ich seit 2016 als Breathwork Facilitater und IAKP zertifizierter Kambo-Practitioner ...

Inka Machackova

Facilitator and Organiser

GTT certified facilitator of holotropic breathwork, female groups facilitator and environmental expert. Inka was born in 1972, grew in Czechoslovakia. Now  lives in a town in the Norhtern B...


Tuitition, accomodation, vegetarian food:   3,800 CZK /160 EUR, early bird rate 3,300 CZK/140 EUR > registration till 30 days before seminar

Accommodation:   in dormitory or double-bed cabins, with own sleeping bag – bedsheet provided. Possibility to rent duvet, pillow and lining (fee 100 CZK/4EUR), towel (20 CZK/1EUR)

Venue Name



Vila Sklenářka 458, Sklenářka Czech Republic, 517 41

Vila Sklenářka 458
Kostelec nad Orlicí
517 41 (CZ)


Payment Details

Registration is valid after sending the application form and payment of a deposit of 1,000 CZK/ 40 EUR. The application can be downloaded hereIf you are interested in participation, please fill the application form and send it on the e-mail address of one of facilitators.

Cancellation Policy

Cancelation is possible till 10 days before a seminar > 50% of the deposit is refundable. It is possible to change the date or send a substitute participant.

Travel Information

How to reach Sklenarka:Take the main road nr. 11 (Hradec Králové-Ostrava) . Exit in Kostelec nad Orlici – direction to Chocen. Pass the train station in Kostelec and continue towards Borohradek. At the end of the urban area take a turn to Zdelov and after about 500 m, at the point of a sharp right curve, turn to the left and take a forest road with the „Sklenarka“ sign. After one kilometer you will reach us….

By bus and train:you can easily reach the nearby town Kostelec nad Orlici, which is about 3 kilometers distant from Sklenarka. If you would like to get a lift from Kostelec, please let us know at least with a one day notice and we will come and pick you up. There is a small fee for this.

GPS coordinates: : S 50°10´80.60, V 16°17´03.22

Link to the map: https://goo.gl/maps/5LKhCJP3QKC2