Magdalena Šimečková Back to profile

Previous Events (7)

Holotropic Breathwork in Prague 28th - 29th February 2020

Feb 28, 2020

Past event

2 day Holotropic Breathwork workshop in Prague. Welcome to deep transformational work in nonordinary states of consciousness. Beginning on Friday at 5 p.m. This evening will be dedicated to theory of Holotropic Breathwork and preparation for Saturday practice. On Saturday we will practice Holotropic Breathwork; first process before lunch and the other in the afternoon. After each process we will have the opportunity to create mandalas. In the evening we will have a sharing circle, integration techniques and recommendations about self-care for the following days. The seminar will finish around 9 p.m. The seminar will be held in English and Czech.


Holotropic Breathwork in Prague

Oct 04, 2019

Past event

2 day Holotropic Breathwork workshop in Prague. Welcome to deep transformational work in nonordinary states of consciousness. Beginning on Friday 4th October at 5 p.m. This evening will be dedicated to theory of Holotropic Breathwork and preparation for Saturday practice. On Saturday we will practice Holotropic Breathwork; first process before lunch and the other in the afternoon. After each process we will have the opportunity to create mandalas. In the evening we will have a sharing circle, integration techniques and recommendations about self-care for the following days. The seminar will finish around 9 p.m. The seminar will be held in English and Czech.


Inner Healing Intelligence - Holotropic weekend on Cyprus

Jul 05, 2019

Past event

We cordially invite you to Holotropic Breathwork™ weekend workshop. We will focus on a deep self-exploration, healing and balancing of our hearts and souls. We’ll explore our psyche with Holotropic Breathwork™. We invite you on a journey through the hills and valleys of our soul. For guidance and navigation we’ll have enlarged map of the psyche from founder of Transpersonal Psychology Stanislav Grof, experienced and professionally trained facilitators, and primarily own inner healing intelligence as a captain.


Holotropic Prague session

May 17, 2019

Past event

Adventure in enhanced state of consciousness, surrounded with likeminded fellow travellers, in safe and cosy setting. Taste the Toulcuv dvur - Village in the middle of the Prague - psycho-spiritual transformation friendly place 👍🙂


Inner Landscape Expedition 4th – 9th March 2019 on Cyprus

Mar 04, 2019

Past event

  This is 6-day expedition into the inner landscape of our soul through Holotropic Breathwork   4th - 9th March 2019 Aphrodite Beach Hotel, Cyprus ... and complementary meditative and contemplative techniques with guidance and navigation by enlarged map of the psyche from founder of Transpersonal Psychology Stanislav Grof, experienced and professionally trained facilitators, and primarily own inner healing wisdom as a captain.  We invite you on a journey through the hills and valleys of our soul.  Maybe you’ll walk down the memory lane of your childhood and ancestors, or visit the womb that you came from, maybe you’ll drink from...


Magdalena Šimečková