Holotropic Breathwork™ workshop "Eros and Psyche" with Stanislav Grof in Rostov-on-Don, Russia

September 16-21, 2017 Holotropic Breathwork™ workshop “Eros and Psyche” with Stanislav Grof and international team of facilitators will be held in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. The workshop program includes theoretical part and Holotropic Breathwork™ sessions. Participation fee (non-inclusive accommodation and food): early registration and prepayment before September 1, 2017 - US dollars. Registration and prepayment after September 1, 2017 – US dollars. It is possible to attend only lecture days, September 16-17. Participation fee: early registration and prepayment before September 1, 2017 - US dollars.

We are glad to announce a visit of Stanislav Grof, the founder of Holotropic Breathwork™ and world renowned scientist. Stanislav Grof is one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology, author of numerous books and about 150 articles. Being Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), Stanislav Grof is heading Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology training programs, he delivers lectures and conducts workshops all over the world. His workshop “Eros and Psyche” will be devoted to the study of human sexuality.

Sexuality is an extremely important biological drive that governs the survival of species and continuation of life on our planet. It is matched in its power only by the self-preservation instinct, the drive that serves the survival of the individual. Sex has a strong influence on human behavior and since Freud’s discovery of the unconscious and its dynamics, it has often seen considered the most powerful motivating force in the psyche.

In this slide-illustrated seminar, we will explore the observations from modern consciousness research that offer revolutionary new insights into the complexity of human sexuality.

These new findings revealed the paramount importance of birth and death as additional motivating forces in the psyche, as yet unrecognized by mainstream psychology and psychiatry. Birth, sex, and death are so deeply interconnected in the unconscious that it is impossible to understand any member of this triad without taking into consideration the other two.

We will examine the perinatal and transpersonal roots of abnormal sexual practices and of sexual violence, archetypal dimensions of sexuality, and transpersonal forms of sex (satanic, oceanic, and tantric). We will also discuss the implications o the new findings for therapeutic practice.

The relationship between spirituality and sexuality will be illustrated by selected slides from sessions of psychedelic therapy and Holotropic Breathwork, alchemy, and the history of witchcraft and satanic practices. We will also explore at some length Tantric science, art, and ritual.

The workshop is designed to provide lectures of Stanislav Grof and 4 Holotropic Breathwork™ sessions where each participant will have 2 sessions as breather and 2 as sitter. The workshop will be held in English and Russian (with consecutive interpretation).

We care about the atmosphere of the module and safety of the participants, prior experience of Holotropic Breathwork with certified practitioners is mandatory.

To take part in this module you need to send us your application to mail@groftraining.com. We ask to send all organization and participation questions only via email. We will reply and send you the payment and registration information.


The module will be delivered in non-residential “city format” in “League of Nations” business center (Suvorova st. 91) Accommodation and food are organized by the participants themselves.

When booking a hotel, please, pay attention that “League of Nations” business center is located on Suvorova street, it is in the center of the city near Don Plaza and Pokrovsky park. You can look for a suitable accommodation place at booking.com or www.airbnb.ru


GTT Staff

Jean Farrell

Teacher and Facilitator

GTT facilitator and trainerBorn in England, Jean has lived in Ireland for thirty years with her husband and the children and young people they have fostered. In England she worked as a senior lecturer...

Vladimir Emelianenko

Facilitator and Organiser

Vladimir graduated from Rostov-on-Don Medical University in 1994, having specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Beginning in 1994, he worked as a psychiatrist in the in-patient department of the...

Alexandra Emilianenko

Facilitator and Organiser

Alexandra Emelianenko is the co-director of Grof Transpersonal Training in Russia (GTT Russia), endocrinologist, clinical psychologist, certified Gestalt-therapist. Alexandra takes part in scientific...

Natalia Zgonnikova

Facilitator and Organiser

Coordinator of Grof Transpersonal Training in Russia, certified HB practitioner, psychologist, translator and intercultural communication specialist. Natalia works as part of the GTT team in Russia an...



Participation fee payment.

The earlybird price for foreign participants is 

650 USD if 100% prepayment is made before September, 1st and 

850 USD if paid after  September, 1st. 

The price includes participation fee. Accommodation and food are not included and organized by the participants themselves. 

Please, pay attention that having registered and paid for the workshop, participants agree to stay at the workshop from the very beginning until the end. It will help us create a safe and supporting set and setting. For the participants of the Grof Transpersonal Training program in Russia HB sessions during the workshop will be taken into account according to the requirements of the certification program.

Special offer for those who would like to participate in “The Power Within”  module with Diana Medina (September 3-8, 2017)  and  “Eros and Psyche” workshop with Stanislav Grof (September 16-21, 2017):

The earlybird price for foreign participants for both events - module and workshop - 1200 USD if 100% prepayment is made before August  23 and 1600 USD if paid after August 23.

The earlybird price for foreign participants “The Power Within”  module with Diana Medina (September 3-8, 2017) and for 2 lecture days with Stan Grof (September 16-17, 2017) -  850 USD if 100% prepayment is made before August  23 and 1050 USD if paid after August 23.

Venue Name

"League of Nations" business centre, Rostov-on-Don, Russia




91 Suvorova St




Travel Information