The Power Within, Spain, with Sitara Blasco and the GTT staff

6-day residential module with Sitara Blasco.

In this module, Holotropic theory comes alive. It’s where we experience the essence of the practice first hand. We not only discuss the principles that support and inform the practice of Holotropic Breathwork. But we go beyond theory to show why Holotropic Breathwork is such a special method for personal exploration and healing. This is a unique opportunity to move to deeper levels of your own inner process and also to learn what’s behind the Holotropic approach to working with others. As you become acquainted with accompanying others on their journeys, you will also discover how to translate the Holotropic theory into a tool for enriching your everyday living experience.

Topics included:

1) The power of the Inner Healer;

2) The Holotropic Breathwork lineage; the history of the healing potential of non-ordinary states;

3) The importance of facilitator presence;

4) An inside look into the framework of a Holotropic Breathwork session;

5) How to encourage and support the integration of the Holotropic experience;

6) Holotropic bodywork, including: its history, theory and practice, - demonstration of bodywork, - hands-on work by participants, - discussion of specific challenging situations that facilitators encounter, - ongoing exploration of the way Holotropic Breathwork can change our everyday

During the module participants will have the opportunity to know the practical experience of Holotropic Breathwork. Sitara Blasco will lead 4 Holotropic Breathwork sessions; there will be also mandala drawing and integration time. Each person will have the experience of two sessions as "breather" and two as "sitter". This module is open to people interested in Transpersonal Psychology and modern consciousness research.

During the course of the six-day workshop, each participant will experience two sessions of HB as an experiencer, or "breather," and two sessions as a partner, or "sitter". Besides the breathwork experiences and the topics covered (described below), there will be art, music, dancing, film, and integration during the workshop.

To participate in the module it is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathwork. It is required to complete a brief confidential medical form. If you wish to continue with the Grof Transpersonal Training, this module is one of the four mandatory required.

GTT Staff

Jean Farrell

Teacher and Facilitator

GTT facilitator and trainerBorn in England, Jean has lived in Ireland for thirty years with her husband and the children and young people they have fostered. In England she worked as a senior lecturer...

Juanjo Segura

Facilitator and Organiser

Juanjo is trained in Integrative Psychotherapy and in the Claudio Naranjo SAT program (Enneagram). Involved with Zen meditation, he has also taken the breathwork to meditation centers. Juanjo has also...


The price includes: the workshop, hotel accommodation in a double superior room with sea view, free WiFi and Catalonia tourist tax. Full board from lunch on July 2nd until breakfast on July 7th and two plentiful coffee breaks a day. The restaurant offers a generous and quality buffet and it also includes all soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages consumed during the meals.

- Early bird price (before May 2nd 2018)*


- Standard price (after May 2nd 2018)


 - Single room**

(supplement for the whole workshop)


 - Triple room**

 (discount for the whole workshop)


* Check out the payment details for more information about the early bird price

**Single and triple rooms subject to hotel availability.

Venue Name

Hotel Eden Roc Punta de Port Salvi, s/n, 17220 Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Province of Girona


Hotel Eden Roc

Punta de Port Salvi, s/n, 17220

Sant Feliu de Guíxols,

Province of Girona

Payment Details

Deposit fee 


Bank details 

Transfer to JOSI SL

Bank name: Banco POPULAR

Bank address: Passeig del MAR, 29, 17220, SANT FELIU DE GUIXOLS, GIRONA, SPAIN

Bank account: ES48 0075 0568 1906 0021 9315

Bank Identification Code (BIC) POPUESMM

Please, it’s very important to only transfer 430€, no more, no less.

- Rest of the price

- Before May 2nd 2018


- After May 2nd 2018


Bank details 


Bank name: CAJAMAR Caja Rural, Sociedad Cooperativa de Crédito

Bank address: Plaza de los Luceros, Alicante, Spain

Bank account (IBAN): ES43 3058 2505 9227 2002 3844

Bank Identification Code (BIC-SWIFT): CCRIES2A

Room supplement and additional nights can be paid to the second bank account or directly to the hotel at your arrival

Cancellation Policy

 If the participant is cancelling:

  • The cancellation has a cost of 50€. If the cancellation is produced a week before the course, besides the cancellation cost, an accommodation night will be charged too. 

  • If the cancellation is produced within the 30 days before the course, the amount transferred will not be refund but it could be applied to any other workshop or module during the following 4 years (with Holotropic Spain) 

  • If the cancellation is produced with more than 30 days in advanced, the total amount (minus the 50€ cancellation cost) will be refund.

If the organisation is cancelling:

  • If the organisation should cancel the event due to any reason, the entire amount paid for the cancelled event will be refund to the participants.

  • Important: The organisation will not take responsibilities for any additional expenses the cancellation may cause to the participant, as for example, travel expenses (flight tickets, car rental, etc.)