Weekend HB workshop “Play of Archetypes” with GTT Russia and MAAP in Rostov-on-Don, 27-29 January, 2017

Holotropic Breathwork weekend workshop “Play of Archetypes” with GTT Russia and Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology 

  • Do you know 12 archetypes governing your life?
  • How Jungian approach can help with integration of Holotropic experience?
  • Which archetype will be guiding me in the current life situation?

This workshop “Play of Archetypes” is a joint project of GTT Russia and Moscow Association of analytical psychology (MAAP). Co-facilitator of this workshop Helena Hegay is an analytical psychologist, member of MAAP, business coach and author of transformative games “Archetopia” and “DreamReality”. We will continue exploring the world of Archetypes and how collective unconscious is manifested in our life. We are given an interesting opportunity to experience an interaction with archetypal forces through work in holotropic approach and integrate it while playing transformative game “Archetopia”

Friday evening, January 20, we will start diving in the world of collective unconscious with an introductory lecture on 12 main archetypes, manifesting in the basic life scenarios and patterns. Every participant will be given an opportunity to complete a test to identify his or her main life archetype. 

Saturday will be devoted to Holotropic Breathwork and each participant will have 1 session as breather and 1 session as sitter.  On Sunday, January 22, we will embark on an unusual and exciting journey through the Islands of “Archetopia” game, created by Elena Hegay. We will get in touch with our guide from Archetypal world and find out what kind of opportunities he/she can bring to our life.

This workshop is for:

  • Those who are interested in Holotropic Breathwork™, archetypal psychology and looking for a deep experience of self-exploration and resolution of inner conflicts
  • Those who are on GTT certification program or already certified and aim to continue their personal  Holotropic Breathwork ™ practice 
  • Certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioners undertaking professional apprenticeship and supervision program



18.45  - Registration

19.00 - 23.00 Introductory lecture “Play of Archetypes”, test to identify your main Archetype 


10.00 - 12.00 Opening circle. Instructions

12.00 - 15.00 Holotropic Breathwork™ 

15.00 - 17.00 Lunch

17.00 - 20.00 Holotropic Breathwork™ 

20.00 - 22.00 Art integration and sharing circle


10.00 - 14.00 “Archetopia” psychological transformative game authored by Helena Hegay 

14.00 - 16.00 Lunch

16.00 - 21.00  “Archetopia” psychological transformative game authored by Helena Hegay

21.00 - 22.00 Closing circle



To register please write us at mail@groftraining.com  and we will send you registration and medical form as well as payment details. If you have any questions please contact Alexandra at +7926318-2000 or at mail@groftraining.com

The workshop will be held in Russian (English translation is possible on request)

GTT Staff

Vladimir Emelianenko

Facilitator and Organiser

Vladimir graduated from Rostov-on-Don Medical University in 1994, having specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Beginning in 1994, he worked as a psychiatrist in the in-patient department of the...

Alexandra Emilianenko

Facilitator and Organiser

Alexandra Emelianenko is the co-director of Grof Transpersonal Training in Russia (GTT Russia), endocrinologist, clinical psychologist, certified Gestalt-therapist. Alexandra takes part in scientific...



  • Early bird price for the workshop is € 185 if registration and payment before 24th January 2017. For certified HB practitioners early bird price is €155
  • When registering and prepaid after 24th January 2017 - the price is € 215. For certified HB practitioners - € 185

This includes the workshop lecture, 2 breathworks, participation in "Archetopia" transformative game and coffee breaks every day.

Hotel accommodation and lunch are not included. 

Venue Name

"Svet" yoga studio


Gorkogo st., 11/43, Rostov-on-Don, Russia