Jun 09, 2023

Holotropic Breathwork Workshop in Budapest 9 - 11 June 2023

The workshop will be held in the Hungarian capital, Budapest. The group will be supported by an experienced GTT facilitator team. Likewise, we expect participants from several countries. The workshop will be held in English with Hungarian translation. During the workshop you have the opportunity to experience the adventure of self-discovery in a true human community. Due to the intense interest and the limited number of places, if you want to register, please do it as soon as possible by filling out the registration form here: (the form is safe and encrypted, along our data management protocol we strictly comply GDPR guidelines)

Holotropic Hungary is deeply committed to creating a safe space where people are not risking their physical and emotional well-being and integrity. Regarding the ongoing pandemic we will cancel the workshop ONLY if the government puts new restrictions into effect that make it impossible to organize the event complying GTT (Grof Transpersonal Training) quality standards. In case of cancellation we will fully refund any prior payments. 


Balázs Rákóczi

Facilitator and Organiser

After obtaining his masters degree in psychology he started his career on the field of neurorehabilitation. Currently he works on the field of organisational development and project management develop...

Csaba Sőti

Facilitator and Organiser

As a physician and scientist, Csaba has been working in the fields of stress, aging and learning. Currently he investigates the impact of early life memories on bodyly-mental patterns and health. As a...

Minh Tu Nguyen


She was born in Vietnam, lives in Budapest, Hungary for 20 years. Graduated as a dentist, obtained her Ph.D. in molecular biology. She is a fan of felines, from the jaguar through her two cats. She ha...


Early bird price : 230 EUR

Payment by 12.05.2023

Full price : 270 EUR

Payment after 12.05.2023

Please contact us, if you feel strong calling, but your financial situation is inadequate (such as students and unemployed).


Expo tér 2, Budapest Hungary, 1101

Expo tér 2, Budapest Hungary, 1101

Travel Details

Driving distance:
Bratislava, Slovakia: 2 hours; Zagreb, Croatia: 3 hours; Ljubljana, Slovenia: 4 hours; Prague, Czech Republic: 4.5 hours

In case you're coming by train or by plane please feel free to contact us via e-mail (holotropic.hungary@gmail.com) and we'll help you to organize your travel to the venue.

A week before the workshop we'll launch an online car sharing so participants may come together.

Payment Details

You can find further information about the payment details on the registration form.

Cancellation Policy

If you submit the registration form in case of cancellation you accept the following cancellation policy:

  • The workshop has limited spaces. If you decide not to participate please let us know as soon as possible, so others can join to breathe.
  • Cancellation fee is 30 EUR that will be charged in case of cancellation till the early bird deadline.
  • Cancellation fee is half the amount of the workshop fee and it will be charged in case of cancellation after the early bird deadline.
  • In case you don't come to the workshop and there's no prior cancellation the participation fee will not be refunded.