Tim Read


Tim is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and author based in London. After degrees in neuroscience and medicine, he was consultant liaison psychiatrist at the Royal London Hospital for 20 years also heading the crisis intervention service and developing psychological treatments for psychiatric emergencies. He held posts of Clinical Director and Director of Training. He is a Fellow of the RCPsych and a member of the Institute of Group Analysis.

He was drawn to psychiatry by the work of C.G.Jung and has completed trainings in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (IGA) and transpersonal psychology with Stanislav Grof (GTT). 

He has been a certified facilitator of holotropic breathwork since 2007. Tim is extensively involved in training and supervision and feels passionately that these substances should be used with compassion and skill so that the formative wounds that underpin so much of our individual and collective distress may become more available for healing. 

He is extensively involved in clinical research of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and with Maria Papaspyrou is co-facilitating the Depth Relational Process IPT 2 year training.

Tim is author of Walking Shadows: Archetype and Psyche in Crisis and Growth and co-editor with Jules Evans of Breaking Open: Finding a Way Through Spiritual Emergency and co-editor with Maria Papaspyrou of Psychedelics and Psychotherapy published in 2021.

Website : https://instituteofpsychedelic...

Tim Read