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Rachel, born (1981) and raised in Belgium, experienced Holotropic Breathwork for the first time in 2005 and from then on it has become an important part of her life. She studied Clinical Psychology and later obtained a second Master in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. In August 2016, she accomplished the Grof Transpersonal Training and became a facilitator in Holotropic Breathwork. She lives in Berlin and Belgium. Self-awareness and spiritual growth is very important to her. She is a passionate 5 Rhythms dancer and she has experienced that expanded holotropic states of consciousness carry the potential for healing and self-fulfilment.
Clinical Psychologist
Transpersonal psychologist
Additional methods: Relaxation Techniques (PMR & AT), GTT Holotropic Breathwork facilitator, EMDR- coach, Human Design Analyst
In this module, we will explore: - The power of contact; where and how. - Sharing the experiential field of the breather. - The intermittent nature of the process. - The challenge of doing not doing. - Understanding and supporting different kinds of processes. This module involves intense practice of facilitation with direct advice from experienced practitioners and shadow guidance to improve your presence and skills. To maximize your training, in the breathwork sessions sitters will facilitate breathers, and the staff will support you if needed. There will be space for dialogue, questions, and answers to discuss situations and gain confidence in your facilitation. To assist it is indispensable to have done the mandatory module The Power Within (“the Bodywork module”) to have experience as a breather/sitter and some facilitation skills.
Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.
PRICE EUR 350.- (Early bird rate) Price includes full-board accommodation.
Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.