Nienke Merbis


I am deeply committed to an inner journey, seeking to find and be able to use my potentials. I feel fortunate to have found Holotropic Breathwork™ as a way to give expression to myself and to support others on their journeys. I am equally fascinated employing different forms of art as a way to explore and express the mystery of life.


Nienke has completed courses in transpersonal psychology and shamanism in Canada. Moreover, she is a certified yoga teacher. She began her training in Holotropic Breathwork in the United States in 1994 and certified in 1997. Since then she has been instrumental in creating and facilitating at workshops in Ireland.
For almost ten years, she has been on the staff of the Grof Transpersonal Training Institute and has facilitated at trainings in Italy, Spain, Denmark and Ireland. She also assisted at GTT workshops in Portugal, Switzerland, England, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary.

Nienke Merbis