Spring Retreat: Integration of Experiences in Non Ordinary States

The integration of Holotropic Breathwork experiences or any other experience in expanded states of consciousness is a fundamental part of the process so that the comprehensions attained during the experience can be consolidated. In this way the experience can be more fertile, bear fruit and manifest in improvements in our daily life.

The popularization of workshops using expanded states of consciousness, in particular through ayahuasca, makes it necessary to take into account practices that favor integration.

In this residential workshop we will talk about the integration of experiences both to maximize potential benefits and to address the adverse reactions and difficulties that some people experience after deep experiences.

We will share knowledge gather from our work at the ICEERS Support Service, where se conduct integration session since 2013 for people that have had challenging experiences.

We will also put into practice techniques and dynamics to promote integration.

DATES: From 9th to 11th of June 2017

Further information at: http://holotropics.cat/retir-de-primavera-la-integracio-dexperencies-en-estats-ordinaris/




GTT Staff


Venue Name

Can Moner


Llagostera, Girona. Spain