Nov 09, 2019

Valde Orrenmaa

Single day Holotropic Breathwork -worshop 9.11. Turku, Finland

This single day Holotropic Breathwork -workshop is intented for people who have already experienced Holotropic Breathwork, since in this workshop there is no preparation lecture for the method. Workshop takes place in Konsan Kartano, Turku (Virusmäentie 9, 20300 Turku) within walking distance and with bus connection from Turku center. There is space for 20 participants. Snacks and tea/coffee are served during the workshop. There will be two meal brakes, but if you want to eat warm meal, you need to get it by yourself. For practical reasons we advice you to eat in kortteliravintola Navetta (, which is located in Konsan Kartano. If needed, you can also use fridge and kitchen in the venue. Workshop is held in english and if necessary, there will be finnish translation.

From the holotropic perspective, preparation for the session, session itself and integration are all equally important phases when utilizing non-ordinary states of consciousness. This workshop lasts just one day, where we will provide space for short preparation, complete sessions and some tools and ideas for integration. Our wish is that you don´t underestimate the importance of preparation and integration in the whole process. For this reason we want to encourage participants to devote some time before the workshop for preparing the body and mind for the coming session. This can mean for example reflecting your intention, doing meditation, spending time in the nature and giving more focus to your inner world. We also encourage you to have time for integration for the days after the workshop. We encourage you to find your own ways and methods to still yourself, to ground, to express your inner world and to listen and respect your own needs and boundaries.

Event also in:



Preliminary schedule

Saturday 9.11.

8:30-9:00 Registration

9:00-10:00 Opening the workshop

10:00-13:00 Breathwork-session 1

13:00-14:30 Meal brake

14:30-17:30 Breathwork-session 2

17:30-19:00 Meal brake

19:00-22:00 Talking circle, integration, closing the workshop

How to reserve your place in the Workshop:

1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below

2. Pay the Deposit fee (50€) or the whole payment of the workshop

(Payment details below)

Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and payed the deposit fee or the whole payment of the workshop. If the workshop is gets full, there will be a waiting list.

The purpose of Medical form is to survey your relevant background information and possible contraindications for the workshop. This helps us to ensure that you can participate safely to the workshop and that we can support your process safely during and after the workshop. If you answer “yes” to some question, it doesn't automatically mean, that you cannot participate. In such a case we are going to get in touch with you so we can try to find together a safe way for you to participate. If some question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification.

Payment information:

Workshop prices (including the deposit fee 50€):

Full price: 130€

Student / unemployed / senior citizen price: 110€

(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)

(Prices includes 10% VAT)

To receive your place in the workshop, you need to pay the deposit fee (50€) or the whole workshop price.

Bank information

Account owner: Holotropic Breathwork Finland ry

Address of the company: Parkinkatu 7 as 1, 20500 Turku, Finland

IBAN: FI20 7997 7990 1619 57


Amount(€): Workshop price (130€/110€) / deposit fee (50€)

Message: Workshop 11/19 + Your full name

It is also possible to pay the workshop in cash but in this case we wish that you could pay reservation fee to our account and the rest of the payment when arriving to the workshop. If you have any problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find good solution.

Deposit- / cancellation fee 50€

If you need for some reason to cancel your participation to the workshop, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 31.10. If the cancellation is done after that, we will need to keep the reservation fee.

Because in the breathing-sessions there can be sometimes strong emotional and physical experiences, for safety reasons it is not generally recommended for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this workshop is safe for you, just contact us so we can discuss about your situation.

Facilitators of the workshop

Agata Mamczur

Agata has an artistic soul, sensitive to people and nature and an analytical mind on the other hand. She finished Econometrical studies, Psychology and a course of Process Oriented Psychology. For several years she has been gaining experience in many different methods of self-improvement and working with people.

She’s a certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator and a practitioner of Transmodal Breath, currently in training.

She facilitates workshops mostly in Poland and works with people individually.

Fields especially close to her heart are the development of consciousness, bodywork, working with emotions, spirituality, psychotherapy and the transpersonal approach.

In everyday life she works with children, combining her passion for psychology and mathematics. In her free time she loves singing, playing instruments, intuitive dancing and being with nature.

Valde Orrenmaa

Valde lives in Finland, Kaarina, in little commune with his friends and cats. He started the Holotropic Breathwork training in summer 2016 and got certified in summer 2019. He has masters degree in comparative religion and has been academically and practically interested in non-ordinary states of consciousness, meditation, psychedelics, buddhism and other mystically oriented branches of religions. Lately he has been interested in the connection between music, singing and non-ordinary states of consciousness. Right now he is writing a book about former birth hospital in Turku. He loves meditation, biking in the forest, playing piano and genuine connection with other beings.

Ania Pawlowska

With a degree in philosophy and cultural studies from Wyszynski's University in Warsaw Ania has spent time living and working abroad (UK, Australia) where she has pursued her passion for film, culture and inner work. She has been in love with Holotropic Breathwork from the moment she discovered it in 2016 and has been in Grof Transpersonal Training since 2017. Professionally, Ania is involved in the promotion of artistic cinema and works at Gutek Film in Warsaw and in 2018 she co-organizedthe Polish Australian festival in Melbourne. Ania regularly facilitates Holotropic Breathwork sessions in Poland.

Jussi Alihanka

Jussi is from Turku Finland and he is a medical doctor and is specializing in psychiatry. His interest about the healing potential of the non-ordinary states of consciousness comes from his own experiences with different practices. He is currently in the GTT holotropic breathwork facilitator training and also has started the TRE facilitator and MBSR teacher training. He is starting integrated psychotherapy training 2019. Jussi is together with Valde the founders of the Holotropic Finland ry and going to work passionately to make this practice more known and more available in Finland. Jussi grounds himself with swimming, climbing, friends, music and nature