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Welcome to dive deep within and immerse into the wisdom of Holotropic Paradigm in this full board retreat! Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful method for self-exploration, which utilizes the healing power of breath, music, bodywork, safe space and expanded states of consciousness.
During the retreat we will explore the framework of Holotropic paradigm and Transpersonal psychology for inner work. The framework is especially useful in working with all kinds of expanded states of consciousness and understanding different experiences which can arise in them, as for example in Holotropic Breathwork, psychedelic sessions and ceremonies, drum journeys, in spiritual emergencies and meditation. The foundation of the Holotropic paradigm highlights the importance of Inner healing wisdom, which is innate tendency of our psyche/body to move towards wholeness, which fully activates when we can surrender to it in a safe setting. We will also explore the expanded cartography of psyche connected to Transpersonal psychology, which has emerged from Stan Grof’s groundbreaking work with psychedelics and Holotropic Breathwork. The cartography includes biographical, perinatal (experiences related to birth and death) and transpersonal (experiences beyond ego) dimensions, and other useful knowledge of how the psyche operates in expanded states of consciousness and how one can navigate there safely. The Holotropic Breathwork -sessions during the retreat will bring the framework alive in a deeply experiential way.
On friday we land at the venue, meet the group and immerse in the Holotropic Paradigm. On saturday we will have two breathwork-sessions, where everyone is breathing in one and sitting in one. During the whole retreat we will provide good tools for integration and especially sunday we deepen the integration process. During evenings there is possibility of a sauna and hole-in-the-ice swimming.
Retreat is held in Ystävyyden Majatalo (Kalkkilantie 74, 25110 Kruusila, The venue is in the middle of Turku and Helsinki and you can reach it easily by bus from both directions. Along with tasty vegetarian food there will be snacks and tea/coffee during the whole weekend. Accommodations are mainly in personal rooms.
No previous experience of Holotropic Breathwork is required. We will use english and/or finnish, depending on the language of the participants. Translation is provided if needed.
Preliminary schedule
We will send Introduction lecture for Holotropic Breathwork in video, for the first time breathers it is mandatory to watch it before the retreat
16:00-17:00 Registration
17:00 Opening the retreat
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Evening program
21:00 Own time / sauna
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-21:00 Breathing sessions, foods and evening circle
21:00 Free time/sauna
8:00 Breakfast
9:00-12:00 Compassionate integration
12:00-14:00 Closing the retreat and tips for going back home
How to reserve your place in the Retreat:
1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below
The purpose of the Medical form is to make sure it is safe for you to participate in the retreat and that we can support your process in best possible way. Please answer honestly. If any question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification.
2. Pay the payment of the retreat in the link below
Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and made the payment of the retreat. We will send you a confirmation email after you have filled the forms and we have got your payment.
Price of the retreat (accommodation and food is paid separately):
Full price: 360€ / Earlybird 320€ until 9.2.
Student / unemployed / senior citizen price:
320€ / Earlybird 280€ until 9.2.
(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)
(Prices includes 25,5% VAT)
Accommodation and food 172€ (incl. vat) (paid when arriving to Ystävyyden Majatalo)
If you have problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find a good solution. It is also possible to pay in installments. If you need to cancel your participation in the retreat for any reason, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 9.2. If the cancellation is done after that, we will keep 80€ as a reservation fee.
If you participate for the first time in our events, we will send you a video “Introductory lecture to Holotropic Breathwork” which you need to watch before the retreat. We will also interview all the new participants before the retreat. If you have any doubts or questions, just contact us. If you have been breathing with us before, but you would like to talk with us before the retreat, or if in your life situation has happened some changes we should be aware of, just contact us.
Because the breathing-sessions can be emotionally or physically intense, it is not recommended for safety reasons for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with ongoing spiritual emergencies, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this method is safe for you, consult your physician/therapist or contact us so we can discuss your situation.
Facilitators of the retreat:

Tomek Kwieciński
Tomek (organizer GTT Poland; module facilitator) fell in love with transpersonal psychology and Holotropic Breathwork® from the first moment, Tomek graduated from Grof Transpersonal Training in 2015 and founded Holotropic Poland. He has conducted workshops and facilitated breathing sessions in 13 European countries as well as in the USA and Colombia.
Tomek is in the middle of a four year behavioral psychotherapy program in Poland. He finished Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger International School’s Transgenerational Therapy in 2022 and has completed the course “Ketamine and Trauma Treatment.” Tomek co-works with Ketamine Clinic in Warsaw, facilitating and integrating sessions with clients with depression and PTSD. With the “Psychoactive Clinic,” he works as a support for integrating psychedelic experiences. He facilitates individual sessions and retreats with psilocybin in the Netherlands.
He is author of the book “Follow the Call: Therapeutic Experiences in Expanded States of Consciousness” and produces the podcast “Psychedelic Therapy” (both in Polish as of now).
Tomek has a life partner and is the father of two wonderful children. He is passionate about meditation, shamanism, art and nature.

Valde Orrenmaa
Certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator (GTT)
Transpersonal consult, cognitive brief-therapist, science of religion (M.A.)
Chairman of HB Finland ry
Valde is a communal mystic living in Kaarina, who is drawn to depth and the practice of compassion. He has worked with individuals and groups in the areas of healing, inner growth, meditation, and therapeutic states of consciousness. As a facilitator he has calm, gentle and strong presence. He graduated from the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2019 as a facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork and a transpersonal consultant. The holotropic perspective has given him a deep understanding of the inner wisdom present in everyone, as well as the importance of creating an accepting, supportive, and safe space for personal growth. Valde is a cognitive brief-therapist and has a masters degree in science of religion, and has specialized in unusual states of consciousness and experiences. He has also worked as a trainer and event coordinator at the Finnish psycare organization Kotilo, volunteered in terminal care, and is currently studying to become a mindfulness instructor. Valde finds joy in nature, meditation, music, dance, karate, and in authentic connections with other beings.

Iida Hokkanen
Holotropic Breathwork facilitator (GTT) trainee
Somatic Experiencing - Embodied trauma therapy trainee, Body-oriented brief therapist trainee, Certified breath coach, nature connection guide, HR professional
Board Member and Social Media of HB Finland ry
Iida discovered Holotropic breathwork in 2019 and since then the method has been a significant part of her own healing journey. The safe, loving and empowering breathwork community has brought much depth and richness into her life and way of being and Iida is passionately working to build awareness and accessibility for the method in Finland.
Enabling holistic well being and body-mind-spirit coherence for individuals, groups and communities is Iida’s calling. She approaches people with an open heart and brings elements from nature, nervous system education and breath in her encounters with clients. Her ways for connecting with authentic self include exploring voice, movement, conscious breathing and experiencing the nature.
In her daily life Iida is a Human Resource professional, mother and a dog person.
Tomek Kwiecinski
Tomek started his work with Holotropic Breathwork in 2010 and become certified in 2015. He is founder of Holotropic Poland, very passionate about combining Holotropic Breathwork with traditional deep psychology tools and life coaching. Also involved...
Valde Orrenmaa
Certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator (GTT)
Transpersonal consult, cognitive brief-therapist, science of religion (M.A.)
Chairman of HB Finland ry
Valde is a communal mystic living in Kaarina,...
Ystävyyden Majatalo - Kalkkilantie 74