HB workshop in Zagreb

08 Nov 2024 to 09 Nov 2024 Workshops

1,5 day workshop

Do you have problems that you have not been able to solve so far and you want to dive deeper into their causes?
Do you want to better connect with your body, emotions, intuition, creativity?
Interested in expanded states of consciousness and spiritual experiences?
Do you want to build better relationships with others?
Do you work professionally with people as a therapist and want to broaden your perspective?
Holotropic Breathwork™ is a powerful natural method of self-exploration, personal transformation and trauma work. A special atmosphere of support with experienced facilitators, deeper and faster breathing and evocative music allows us to let go, move away from dysfunctional patterns and open to our deeper aspects, our inner intelligence and wisdom.
The workshop includes a theoretical and experiential part, takes place on Friday afternoon and evening and all day Saturday. Both days are mandatory.


Tina Meic

Tina had a career in the business world when she got introduced to Holotropic Breathwork and started the training in 2009. Grateful for her own transformation and recognition of inner wisdom, she is committed to being in service to the community... read more ..

Iva Zic

Social worker, family mediator, currently in the Grof Transpersonal training. Iva was born in 1978. in Croatia, has a master's degree in social work and works at the Institute for Social Work in the department of child protection. She also complet... read more ..

Martina Detelic

Martina lives in Croatia and works as a business and life coach and regularly organises HB workshops as a part of Croatian holotropic team. She is almost certified as Holotropic Breathwork facilitator. Her journey with HB started in 2013. - almost 11... read more ..


Zagreb - Zagreb 10000

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HB workshop in Zagreb

Event Contacts

Tina Meic