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Oct 20, 2023


Holotropic Breathwork Workshop in Prague
 20th-21st, 2023

We cordially invite you to join us for a Holotropic Breathwork® weekend workshop in Prague.

This experiential workshop will take place in the Šaloun Villa therapy center in Prague's Vinohrady district.

Our workshops often have international attendance and we always make sure that everybody fully understands and is understood. This event will be held in English, with German and/or Czech translation as necessary.

Space is limited to 12 participants.

This is a NON-RESIDENTIAL workshop. Accommodation is not included, but accommodation options are abundant in Prague.

(For a limited number of participants, sleepover accommodation is available in a common space on mattresses at the workshop venue.)

PRICE:  CZK 3.200.- | EUR 140.-         |         REGISTER HERE


Roman Petrov

Facilitator and Organiser

Roman (*1977) received education in classical music at the Prague Conservatory and Academy of Performing Arts, and is one of the 12 cellists of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra. He has been utilisi...

Sarka Hanzlik


I am working as a Payroll Manager in corporate companies in the payroll area for almost ten years. I am interested in leadership, motivation and developing people's strengths.I am fortunate to be able...

Event Details

This 1.5-day, experiential Holotropic Breathwork workshop allows for self-healing and self-exploration as well as accessing the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. During the workshop, two breathwork sessions (one as a breather and one as a sitter) will allow you, in a very safe setting, to access an expanded state of consciousness, in which your own wisdom connects with your inner healing and transforming power. This healing wisdom guides the experience towards those aspects which carry an emotional charge, and are ready to be processed or integrated.


Holotropic Breathwork
might be of interest if:

● you are seeking a more experiential approach to healing, one that goes beyond talk therapy

● you are experiencing a major life crisis and seeking deep wisdom and insights

● you want to release unresolved issues from the past

● you want to understand the emotional roots of a persistent physical/psychosomatic condition

● you are yearning for deeper insight into the nature of reality and advancement on your spiritual path

● you want to facilitate the integration of a difficult psychedelic session

● you have a sense of an uninterestingly lived life


We will start on Friday at 18:00, and finish on Saturday at 20:00. 



In case you have any serious health issues (physical or mental), please contact me in advance to rule out possible contraindications.


Here you can read more about what is Holotropic Breathwork, and the GTT Holotropic Breathwork training program.



Roman Petrov
phone: +420 777 148 087
mail: in**@************.eu
website: www.holotropicbohemia.eu

You can subscribe to the Holotropic Bohemia mailing list for workshop announcements.


Šaloun Villa

Slovenská 2499/4, Prague Czech Republic, 10100

Slovenská 2499/4, Prague Czech Republic, 10100

Travel Details

By Car:

The Šaloun Villa therapy center is located in Prague's Vinohrady district. You may park your car in designated areas for free during the weekend (Friday 20:00 - Monday 8:00).

By public transport:

Prague has an efficient and sophisticated public transportation system. The best app for your phone is probably PubTran.

Car sharing:

Car sharing within the group of participants is usually also an option. We will facilitate/coordinate this a few weeks before the event takes place. Don't hesitate to let us know that you are looking for a shared ride.

Slovenská 2499/4, Prague Czech Republic, 10100


Payment in cash upon arrival at the venue. You may pay in CZK or EUR.

If you are strongly motivated to attend the workshop but your financial situation does not allow you to do so under the given conditions, you can contact us to discuss the possibility of an individual solution.