Jan 27, 2023

Holotropic Breathwork -retreat

27.-29.1. Piikkiö, Finland

Welcome to dive deep within in our full board retreat in the archipelago! Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful method of self-exploration, which helps us to connect more deeply with our inner healing wisdom through breath, music, somatic and emotional processing in a safe and supportive space. During the retreat everyone has the opportunity to surrender to the inner process with their own pace and style, and there is plenty of time for preparation and integration. On Friday we will land softly to the venue, meet the group and prepare for the inner journeys. On Saturday there will be two breathing sessions, in which each participant will be breathing in one session and sitting for the breather-partner in one. On Sunday we will have time and space for ourselves, and we will offer some techniques and tips for integration.

Retreat takes place in the archipelago, in Pyölinrannan leirikeskus, quite close to Turku (Pyölintie 77, 21500 Piikkiö). There we have a big main building and cozy cabin by the sea with wooden sauna (sauna and swimming is possible in the evenings). Accommodation happens mainly in shared rooms. It is easiest to come to the retreat with a car, we will arrange shared car rides if possible. On Friday you can get also 1km from the venue with a local bus from Turku. During the whole weekend there are provided snacks and tea/coffee. On Saturday there is vegan lunch and dinner, and on Sunday the retreat ends with lunch.

No previous experience of Holotropic Breathwork is required. We will use english and/or finnish languages, depending on the language of the participants. Translation is provided if needed.

​Preliminary schedule


16:30-18:00 Introduction lecture to Holotropic Breathwork (mandatory for first time breathers)

18:00-18:30 Registration

18:30-21:00 Opening of the retreat, preparation for the sessions

21:00-23:00 Own time / sauna


9:00-22:00 2 x Breathing sessions, starting the integration, sauna


9:00-15:00 Deepening the integration

How to reserve your place in the Retreat:

1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below


The purpose of the Medical form is to survey your relevant background information and possible contraindications for the event. This helps us to ensure that you can participate safely in the retreat and that we can support your process during and after it. If you answer “yes” to some question, it doesn't automatically mean you cannot participate. If some question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification.

2. Pay the Deposit fee (50€) or the whole payment of the retreat

(Payment details below)

Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and paid the deposit fee or the whole payment of the retreat. If you pay just the deposit fee, you need to pay the rest of the payment latest in registration, where you can pay with cash or mobilepay. If the retreat gets full, there will be a waiting list.

We will interview all the participants, who have not been before in our events. It is also a good opportunity to ask questions or express any thoughts regarding the method or the retreat.

Payment information:

Price of the retreat (including the deposit fee 50€):

Full price: 280€ / Earlybird 250€ until 8.1.

Student / unemployed / senior citizen price: 250€ / Earlybird 230€ until 8.1.

(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)

(Prices includes 10% VAT)


Bank information

Account owner: Holotropic Breathwork Finland ry

Address of the company: Parkinkatu 7 as 1, 20500 Turku, Finland

IBAN: FI20 7997 7990 1619 57


Amount(€): retreat price / deposit fee (50€)

Message: Retreat 1/23 + Your full name

If you have problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find a good solution.

Deposit- / cancellation fee 50€

If you need for some reason to cancel your participation in the retreat, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 16.1. If the cancellation is done after that, we will need to keep the reservation fee.

Because in the breathing-sessions there can be sometimes strong emotional and physical experiences, for safety reasons it is not recommended for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with ongoing spiritual emergency, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this method is safe for you, just contact us so we can discuss your situation.

Facilitators of the retreat

Valde Orrenmaa

Valde lives in Kaarina, in a commune with his friends and cats. He started the Holotropic Breathwork training in 2016 and got certified in 2019. He has a masters degree in comparative religion and has been academically and practically interested in non-ordinary states of consciousness, meditation, psychedelics, buddhism and other mystically oriented branches of religions. He is also a writer, Aguahara-practitioner and has started Cognitive short-therapy training. One of his passions is to integrate yogic-lifestyle into the modern society. He loves meditation, biking in the forest, playing piano and genuine connection with other beings.

Anna Luik

Anna lives in Tallinn, Estonia but works in Finland as a general practitioner for Terveystalo. She started Holotropic Breathwork training in 2016 and got certified in 2018. Holotropic Breathwork, non-ordinary states of consciousness, plant medicines and psychedelics interest her more and more. For her it is very important to understand how to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Nature and animals also play an important role in her life.