Holotropic Breathwork near Cham (Germany) 14th - 16th June 2019

This Holotropic Breathwork weekend workshop takes place in Germany near the bavarian city Cham. It is an opportunity to experience yourself in a expanded state of cousciousness and connect deeply with your own inner healing wistom. You will have the chance to explore new perspectives of looking at yourself and the world.

For more information please click here: Holotropes Atmen Oberpfalz


  • Friday: 17:00 opening circle / introduction to Holotropic Breathwork / preparation
  • Saturday: Two breathwork sessions (one session as a breather and one as a sitter)
  • Sunday: Painting / collage work / sharing / information about integration / closing circle. We will finish at about 13:00.

This workshop will be held in German (we can offer english translation if needed).