Jun 30, 2023

Holotropic Breathwork workshop in Greece

30.06-02.07 in Thessaloniki

Workshop Schedule
Friday 30th June
17:30-18:00 Welcome and Registrations
18:00-19:00 Opening of the circle 
19:00-20:00 Information about Holotropic Breathwork
20:00-21:00 Practical information about the sessions 
Saturday 1st July
09:30-11:00 Opening of the day
11:00-14:00 1st session of Holotropic Breathwork 
14:00-15:00 Mandala 
15:00-16:30 Lunch time
16:30-19:30 2nd session of Holotropic Breathwork
19:30-20:30 Mandala
20:30-21:00 Closing of the day
Sunday 2nd July
10:00-12:00 Sharing
12:00-13:30 Closing circle and information about integration
Translation will be provided. For registration please contact Anastasia at info@holotropicgreece.com


Anastasia Panagiotidou - HB facilitator and organiser

Tomek Kwiecinski - HB facilitator and GTT staff 


Roi Polychoros https://www.roipolychoros.gr/

Kalamaria 55134, Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki airport is located approximately 10-15 minutes by car from the venue.

For travel and accomodation arrangements, please feel free to contact Anastasia at info@holotropicgreece.com. 


175€ for early bird registration before the 30th of May
225€ for regular registration after the 30th of May

  • The price includes snacks and coffee breaks


Cancellation fee of 40€ at any time. Alternatively the full amount can be applied on any other workshop, organised by Anastasia Panagiotidou in the next two years.