24.-27.10.2024 Polianka, Slovakia


Holotropic Breathwork and the integrative work with the voice w.Réka Fodor in Slovakia/ 24th-27th of October

The creative source of energy and expanded states of consciousness

This is the invitation to open the creative possibilities and skills trough the breath and the art-work. The art as an embodied form of the spiritual insight is the way to do so. One of the means to transform the spiritual dimension to the life, to integrate -ground the spirituality- could be the work with the voice. We invite you to this self-discovery session through the holotropic breathwork with the integrative work with the voice. We will create -the enough space- to open to the source of the energy and to aim this creativity by using our voice. This can transform in the ways of the communication, self-reflection and self-discovery leading into the directional manifestation. In the life it can be the clear communication of our needs, desires and our benefits to others.

The Holotropic Breathwork™ as we know it today was being formed by the observations and the research of the healing and transformative potential of altered states of consciousness in the various contexts – in the rituals of the aboriginal cultures, in the practice of the eastern mystics, or in the therapeutic setting with the substances. The HB practice became alive in the times when Stanislav and Christina Grof were searching for the means how to mediate this potential in the current cultural setting. Holotropic Breathwork is the connection of the use of breath, evocative music and the bodywork in the supportive and safe setting. Through the observation of the inner processes in the holotropic breathwork we can expand the consciousness, connect with the inner wisdom, the power within, and expand the map of the inner worlds with the new qualities of cognition. We are offered to see new perspective to the reality and insights into the situations of the daily life. It is the healing process for the individual as well as for the community and the whole social system from within.

Holotropic Breathwork™ can be the approach suitable for the person who:
*looks for the way to heal through her/his own experience
*experiences psycho-spiritual challenges and looks for the better understanding and insights into it
*wants to release unfinished or unresolved traumas from the past
*wants to understand emocional roots of his/her physical or mental problems
*wants to expand the consciousness and keep getting to know the spiritual path
*is curious who he/she really is

Thurstday: We start at 5pm with the sharing circle and at the evening we continue with the introduction into Transpersonal Psychology and Holotropic Breathwork.
Friday/Saturday: During these two days we take part in two HB sessions (once as breather, once as a sitter) and gradually we estabilish the process through the integrative excercisec with the art/work.
Sunday: Sharing and learning circle, continuation of the integration and selfcare time.

Guidance with the voice work:

Réka Fodor

Singer, dancer, percussionist from Transylvania, balancing the traditional, ancient way of singing and modern experimentation with voice. She curiously investigates the relationship of space and sound, inspired by envi- ronmental, natural sounds, the human experience, connections, movements. In her performance and teaching, her tools are radical improvisation and the ex- ploration and surpassing of our boundaries, in order to inhabit and embody more of ourselves, eventually for our wellbeing and health. Somatic experiencing and movement exercises, bodywork are also part of her teaching regime.

Polianka 34, 90701 Polianka, Slovakia

Date and time:
24th - 27th of October
Arrival – Thurstday from 5PM, we start the circle at 6PM
Finish – Sunday around 1PM 

Accomodation and food (3 days and 3 nights) – 150eur
Workshop - 250eur

kosiarova.andrea@gmail.com and fee of 50 eur on IBAN SK55 8360 5207 0042 0592 228


Andrea Košiarová
A former hip-hop dancer and yoga practioner with the University degree in the Psychology. The study of the breath from both -the eastern and western perspective- brought Andrea to the curiosity into the holotropic paradigm. Besides the transpersonal psychology studies and the practice of HB she is interested in the different somatic approaches such as BMC, Continuum Movemnet and cranio-sacral techniques.


Centre SEN ZEME, Polianka 90701, Slovakia
Beautiful cottage house surrounded by meadowes and fields support the atmosphere of the work. We share the space of the attic for sleeping, there is possibility to sleep also in the space of the centre. The location of Sen Zeme is about 70 mins from Bratislava. We can help you with the transport. If you need info please contact us.


Cancellation fee of 50 eur is irreversible amout two weeks before the workshop, you can use the amount for any other workshop or individual work in one year from sending