Holotropes Atmen in Brodowin

am 18. und 19. September 2020

We are happy to announce a holotropic breathwork day in Brodowin near Chorin with an introduction to work on Friday evening.


Friday 18:30 till 20:30 introduction to the work
Saturday 9:00 till 18:00 breathwork

We provide snacks and a vegetarian lunch on saturday. 

We limit the number of participants to 12, so we can allow for the necessary space of 1,5m between particpants due to the current situation. 

Brodowin is just outside Berlin and can easily be reached from Berlin Central station.  The train goes to Chorin once every hour. We can arrange a pick up from Chorin station.

This is a non residential workshop, we can help finding accomodation nearby. Also Wildsau has two holiday apartment for rent available.


Karin Bergmann

Facilitator and Organiser

Karin has been on the path of self discovery since her teens and got in contact with different teachings and philosophies. She has extensive trainings in self discovery and inner work. She got in cont...

Katharina Wolter

Facilitator and Organiser

Katharina works as creative therapist in a psycosomatic clinic for families in Germany. Since 2004 Holotropic Breathwork accompanies her through life. Facinated by the healing potential of Holotropic...


Brodowiner Dorfstrasse 49, Chorin Deutschland, 16230

Brodowiner Dorfstrasse 49, Chorin Deutschland, 16230

Brodowin is located 10 minutes by car to the train station Chorin. Chorin can be reached by train form Berlin central station in 50 minutes. Please let us know, if we should arrange a pick up from the station. 



The price for the workshop is 150€ with a deposit of 50€ 

This is for the introduction on Friday and Saturdays event, incl. snacks, water and tea and a vegetarian lunch on Saturday


    To register please mail to
    or call Karin on +49 177 891 8258
    You will be asked to fill in a registration form and a medical form in order to particpate.