Oct 03, 2024


Exploration and development of your own body-mind for a lively, present & authentic being

October 3 - 6, 2024
Forum an der Blaulach, Tübingen⎜Germany

"Bodywork is art not science. The poetry of longing is its language, not the prose of clinical report."   Loil NEIDHÖFER

"When we withdraw from the physical, we are withdrawing from this WORLD".

In the midst of daily challenges that often distract us from our inner essence, and in a world that is becoming ever faster and more complex, many of us long for deeper contact with ourselves and others. But how can we connect with our essence in the midst of everyday life? How can we be authentically present and stay true to ourselves while interacting in relationships and socialising? And what does it mean to be truly present and embodied in this world? This four-day Exploratorium offers an intensive experiential space to explore these questions and find answers within ourselves.

It invites you to enter a safe space where the unity of body, mind and soul can be rediscovered and nourished. This journey goes far beyond superficial self-reflection and takes you to the roots of your existence - to where true healing and transformation begin.

Holotropic Breathwork™ and mindful bodywork are not just tools, but doors to the inner landscapes of your psyche, where the wisdom of your body and the depth of your consciousness are waiting to be explored. These powerful methods enable you to penetrate the layers of protective mechanisms and unconscious patterns and dissolve physical and mental blockages that restrict your vitality. Through conscious, connected breathing, we open a gateway to inner worlds, to buried emotions and unlived potential. Mindful bodywork supports us in anchoring these experiences in the body and integrating them into our daily lives. Holotropic Breathwork™ and mindful bodywork reveal a new dimension of being - a return to your true nature.

This exploratorium is aimed at anyone who is looking for a deep inner transformation, a profound psychotherapeutic experience, and who is ready to embark on an intensive inner journey. It goes far beyond pure personal development and also promotes creative processes. It is ideal for people who want to get to know themselves on a deeper spiritual and physical level. It is also suitable for therapists, coaches and spiritual seekers who want to enrich their practice and initiate profound healing processes as well as creative processes. Openness and a willingness for self-exploration are the only prerequisites.

By the end of this exploration, you will not only have gained a deeper understanding of yourself and a stronger connection to your body, but you will also have learned an attitude that will help you cultivate your inner wisdom and presence in your daily life. This seminar is an invitation to unfold the full potential of your being and to grow into an authentic, present, vibrant and embodied existence.

The Exploratorium is in German and, if required, in English. If you have any questions, please contact me by email.

“We should not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”   T.S. ELIOT

‘The closer we come to realisation, the more we become the tools of true compassion.’   RAM DAS

Contents of the Exploratorium

Holotropic Breathwork™ – A journey into the depths of consciousness and creativity:

At the beginning of the exploratorium, we will carefully prepare for Holotropic Breathwork™. You will learn the principles of this transformative experience, which is based on the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions as well as modern transpersonal psychology. In two breathing sessions, once as a breather and once as a sitter, you will dive deep into the inner spaces of your body-mind. In doing so, you will encounter unconscious content that shapes your life – be it through suppressed emotions, repressed memories or transpersonal experiences. These breathing journeys not only offer the opportunity to integrate unresolved issues and free yourself from them physically and mentally, but they can also trigger creative processes that open up new perspectives and forms of expression.

Embodiment – The body as an expression of the soul:

Our body is much more than a physical shell – it is the vessel in which our soul finds its expression and our inner essence becomes visible. Through the insights of embodiment research, we know that our body and mind are inextricably linked. In mindful bodywork, we explore the subtle communication of our body and learn to understand its signals as valuable signposts. We will get to know the language of the body and practice exercises that deepen the connection between body and mind. This work fosters embodied awareness that allows you to live your physical existence in harmony with your inner wisdom.

Presence – The Art of the Here and Now:

What does it mean to be truly present – in every moment, in every breath? In the exploratorium, we will explore the qualities of presence, mindfulness and awareness. You will learn methods that will enable you to stay grounded and in touch with yourself in every moment of your life. We will look at the challenges of everyday life in a new light and find ways to act authentically and compassionately while remaining true to ourselves.

The Journey of the Soul – Integration and Wholeness:

The experiences during the exploratorium are often deep and transformative. To integrate these deep inner processes, we offer various forms of follow-up work. This includes mindful and exploratory body, breathing and contact exercises, creative forms of expression such as dancing and exercises from theater and acting work, as well as joint reflection sessions in the group. These integrative practices support you not only in understanding the experience intellectually, but also in anchoring it at the cellular level.

Community and healing in the circle – Being carried by the group:

The community aspect of this exploratorium is invaluable. In a circle of like-minded people, a field of trust, compassion and mutual support arises. This space allows each participant to be authentic and to be held in their individual experience. The group dynamic can help to mirror and deepen one's own processes, as well as to experience collective healing.


Marijan J. Bernardić  &  N.N.

Time & Place

October 3 - 6, 2024
We will begin on Thursday, October 3, at 7:00 p.m. and close on Sunday, October 6, at approximately 2:00 p.m.

Please note: Please plan your travel arrangements accordingly in time so we can start on time. Attendance obligates you to be present throughout (please no appointments during this time) and until the end of the workshop.

The Exploratory takes place in the practice at the Forum an der Blaulach in the French Quarter on the outskirts of Tübingen. Short walks into the nearby nature are possible from here. Catering facilities (cafés, restaurants, etc.) are within walking distance. For out-of-town participants: Directions will be sent with the seminar registration confirmation.

We are happy to assist you in planning and organizing your arrival and departure (carpools, cabs, etc.). Please indicate this in your registration or ask in time.

Costs & Payment Modalities

Cost of participation

  • Participation fee: 460 €
  • Early bird rate for registration and payment until September 17, 2023: 420 €.

Participation should not fail for financial reasons, therefore in justified cases a reduction of the participation fee or partial payment is possible to a limited extent. The costs for accommodation and meals are excluded from this. Please contact me in time to find an amicable solution. 

The participation in the workshop is binding with the registration (see below) and timely deposit of 50 €. The early bird rate is only valid if the full amount is paid in time by the mentioned date at the latest.

Accommodation and meals

Drinks (tea, water & coffee) and light snacks will be served between the breathing sessions. Participants are responsible for other meals and accommodation. A corresponding recommendation list for accommodation will be sent upon request. To a limited extent, a simple overnight stay is possible in the seminar room in the practice rooms on a mattress and with your own sleeping bag for 20 € per night / person. A small kitchenette and a bathroom with shower / toilets are available.

Registration & Medical Form

As places are limited, early registration is recommended. To register, please request the registration form and the medical form by e-mail here.

With the receipt of the registration form you will receive the information whether a place is free and reserved for you for 24 hours. If yes, we ask you to send us the filled out and signed documents scanned by e-mail and to transfer a deposit of 50 € within this time. With this your participation is binding.

The registration for the workshop becomes binding with the confirmation of registration. It obliges the participant to pay the participation fee by bank transfer at the latest one week before the beginning of the workshop - unless otherwise agreed in writing - or in case of short-term registration before the beginning of the workshop.

With the confirmation of registration, the participant will receive further information about the event and what to bring. An invoice with the confirmation of participation will be issued at the end of the event.

Medical Form

The approaches and methods used and combined in this event, such as intensive deep breathing (compound breathing) / Holotropic Breathwork, meditation and bodywork can lead to altered & extraordinary states of consciousness and body and therefore require a stable mental and physical constitution and health, which is requested and confirmed in advance by the participants by filling out a medical questionnaire and signature. Participants expressly agree to confirm this to the best of their knowledge and not to withhold any information regarding their state of health.

are indicated, for example, in case of pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, etc., recent surgical interventions and fractures, orthopedic diseases such as osteoporosis, etc., eye diseases such as glaucoma, etc., neurological diseases such as epilepsy, etc., diagnosed psychiatric diseases, asthma and others. If you have a medical condition or if you are unsure or have any questions, please contact me before enrolling.

Cancellation Conditions

Cancellation of participation in the workshop by the participant after registration obliges the participant to pay the participation fee - even in the event of unexpected illness. Up to 4 weeks (28 days) before the start of the workshop, the costs of the workshop will be refunded minus a processing fee of €50. Thereafter only if a participant is replaced or if the full number of participants is reached by moving up from the waiting list etc. It is advisable to take out seminar insurance in order to be reimbursed in the event of cancellation due to illness. You can find an option for this here.