He worked many years in Belgium and Europe as a sales rep and manager until questions about the meaning of life and relationships set him out on a path of self-discovery.
After an initial NLP course he found the Avatar Materials and participated in many Avatar Trainings. In 2008 he moved to Berlin where he found a meditation teacher and joined regular Zazen retreats.
He continued his journey with the Hoffmann Quadrinity Process in 2009 and 2 extensive retreats in the Amazonas in 2014 and 2015.
Philip discovered the Holotropic Breathing in 2012 in Spain and participated in many workshops and modules. In February 2023 he certified as a Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator.
He also certified as a Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy in 2020, and started his Psychotherapy Practice in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Berlin in January 2024.
Fascinated by the human psyche and consciousness, he is dedicated to and finds great joy in assisting others on their path of self-exploration.
Since the beginning of time, expanded states of consciousness were used by seekers to find answers to the existential and meaningful questions of life. Holotropic breathwork is a powerful and unique method to experience such a non-ordinary state of consciousness in a safe setting. It is a wonderful way of self-discovery, healing and spiritual growth. Through intensified breathing and evocative music you reach an altered state of consciousness that brings you on a journey into your inner being.