Mark Baugh


Born in 1965 my last corporate role was as a Learning and Development Consultant with a high street bank.

After working my way through a personal crisis in 2001, I entered into a deep process of healing with talking therapy, which lasted for three and a half years, during which time a space for spiritual awareness kicked in. I started asking the questions; Why am I here? Who am I? What is my purpose? What happens when I die?

I embarked on a quest to know myself further. I retrained in remedial and manipulative massage, as a couple counsellor with Relate, and also as a Reiki & EFT practitioner. I also trained in Tantra, NVC (Non-violent Communication) and have experienced living in community. I have a dedicated daily meditation practice called Heartfulness which I have been enjoying since 2010.

I started adventuring Holotropic states in 2009 with Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) and from that first experience I was hooked. It was the start of an amazing journey of deeply knowing myself with like-minded others in a very safe space. Early on I decided I would embark on the Grof training programme and I am honoured to have been trained by Stan Grof and Tav Sparks and other facilitators that make up the teaching team.

I now manage Trossachs Tryst, a retreat centre in the heart of Scotland, where I offer Holotropic Breathwork through “Caledonian Holotropic”.

I am a member of the European Holotropic Breathwork Association and an Associate member of The Institute of Psychedelic Therapy.

I look forward to being of service.

Deep peace to you

Mark _/\_


I hold a Diploma in Remedial Massage and Indian Head Massage with The Midlands School of Massage & Manipulative Therapy where I trained for 2 years.

I am a level 2 reiki/seichem practitioner and was attuned by Master Practitioner, Jacqueline Eagles of Olistica who is 10th in line to Mikao Usui, the founder.

I am a level 2 EFT practitioner and I trained with the EFT Centre in London

I hold a Certificate of Training for Holotropic Breathwork

Mark Baugh

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Holotropic Double Breathwork Retreat - Scotland

2025-08-21 00:00:00

Join Caledonian Holotropic, in the heart of Scotland, for a weekend of adventure, surfing your inner landscape in a holotropic states of consciousness. The vehicle is your body - the technology is Holotropic Breathwork™ - the fuel is your breath...



Trossachs Tryst Invertrossachs Road Callander Pert & Kinross Scotland UK