Maja Petrovic Steger


Maja has always been interested in the conditions, both societal and personal, of people seeing the world and coming to act in it in a different way.

As a a social anthropologist (PhD 2006), she has explored these interests through work in the anthropology of time, anthropology of the body, and of the mind and consciousness, as well as in political and medical anthropology. She uses a combination of ethnographic and experimental methods to understand individual and collective bodily and 'imaginal' practices in social contexts requiring, in some sense, fundamental transformation and healing.

Her personal journey with breathwork began in 2015. Having trained experientially in transpersonal and transgenerational therapy and psychology, and in expanded states of consciousness and Holotropic paradigm, Maja became a fully certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator in early 2023.

As a freelance facilitator, she has been working at and offering support in Holotropic Breathwork®️workshops and GTT modules in Slovenia and Austria. Maja looks forward to continuing to explore breathing, and helping others to attend to everything unknown, unconscious, unthinkable and unacknowledged that may be sensed when we attend to our own breath. Her intention to this end is to support the growth and availability of Holotropic Breathwork in Europe and around the world.

Maja Petrovic Steger

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