Laura Schmitz


Laura Schmitz was born and raised in Germany and is now living close to Vienna, Austria. Since her first Holotropic Breathwork® workshop she fell in love with this work and throughout her own process experienced the transformative and healing potential of it. For her, Holotropic Breathwork® is not just a method but a way of living life. Now she wants to give back some of the support she got during her own process.

Her professional background involves a master degree in agriculture science focused on horticulture and welfare of livestock and a certification in animal assisted (therapeutic) interventions (ISAAT). After many years of working in agricultural research, she is currently starting to run her own business as a self-employer and Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator. Besides that, she is holding workshops in horticulture for groups of teachers and also for school classes and is in her final stages of becoming a psychological counsellor. Her wish is to offer integration sessions with animals for Holotropic Breathwork® workshop participants in the future.

Creative expression, nature, travelling and music are very important to her. Besides that, she is interested in many different modalities of self-exploration like SoulCollage®, shamanism and self-compassion.

She speaks English, Spanish and German.

Laura Schmitz

Upcoming Events (3)

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Holotropic Breathwork weekend in Lüneburg near Hamburg - September 6-8

2024-09-06 00:00:00

Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the other relams of being. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced. Holotropic breathing enables participants to find their own inner resources, to gain insights and to find their inate truth and to live out of it.


Holotropic Breathwork weekend in Berlin - September 13-15

2024-09-13 00:00:00

Since the beginning of dawn mankind used non ordinary states of consciousness to explore the Self. The Holotropic Breathwork weekend offers a safe container to explore such states. The inner landscape of being can be discovered through the use of music and breath, bigger meanings of life can be understood and deep transformation can be experienced.
