Holotropic Breathwork Workshop 1st-3rd December - Budapest


The workshop starts on Friday at 3 p.m. and closes on Sunday at 1 p.m.

Friday: registration, introduction, opening circle, getting to know each other.
Saturday: two breathwork sessions (one as a „breather” and one as a „sitter”). Integration will happen through artwork and movement.
Sunday: sharing, information on integration, closing ritual.


Registrations are valid by submission of the registration form via email (holotropic.hungary@gmail.com) and payment of the deposit either by cash or by bank transfer. Registrations are accepted in chronological order. The group has limited number of places. Upon filling, applications are placed on a waiting list.

Due to the interest and to the limited number of spaces we kindly ask you to register as early as possible by sending back the registration and medical form and by payment of deposit.


Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...


Early booking price: 160 EUR by payment before November 10.

Full price: 200 EUR

Registration fee includes the price for the workshop, and meals (coffee, tea, fruits and snacks) during coffee breaks.
The hotel provides both accommodation and meal at a discounted price. Please see the registration form and contact us for details.
Please contact us, if you feel a strong calling, but your financial situation is inadequate (such as students and unemployed).
If you have any severe physical or mental conditions please contact any of us in advance to exclude any possible contraindications.

Venue Name

Expo Hotel


Budapest, Expo tér 2, 1101 Hungary

Payment Details

Account holder: Dr. Csaba Sőti
Bank: MagNet Bank, 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 98. (SWIFT/BIC: HBWEHUHB)
IBAN: HU91162002231005812100000000
Notice: HB 2017.09. + name of participant
Please add 15 EUR for bank transfer and conversion costs. 

Please contact us, if you feel a strong calling, but your financial situation is inadequate (such as students and unemployed).

Cancellation Policy

Nonrefundable deposit is 100 EUR. In case of cancellation the nonrefundable deposit will not be reimbursed. 

Travel Information

Driving distance to Budapest:
Vienna, Austria: 2.5 hours; Bratislava, Slovakia: 2.5 hours; Zagreb, Croatia: 4.5 hours; Ljubljana, Slovenia: 4.5 hours; Prague, Czech Republic: 5 hours

The hotel is easily accessable both with the car and public transportation (to the hotel it belongs a huge parking area which is for free of use for the workshop participants).