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Paul Mc Cormack is an accredited Psychotherapist who has been working in the field of Addiction and Dependency for over 30 years, in addition to being a Holotropic Breathwork certified facilitator.
Paul's professional experience ranges across his individual counselling and psychotherapy practise to having worked in a number of Rehabilitation Centres and Outreach community clinics plus Paul has also been a facilitator on a variety of aftercare programmes.
Whilst fully endorsing a Harm Reduction approach to the treatment of chronic dependencies and acknowledging the threshold to total abstinence may be too high for some individuals, Paul is a big fan of the self help 12 step communities be they AA, NA, GA, Al-ANon, ACOA and the support and personal development program they offer.
Paul also has a keen interest in the healing potential of Non Ordinary States of Consciousness and their relationship to potential successful outcomes for the management of chronic dependency.
Dip ACP, Dip Sa, Dip AC (Trinity College, Dublin)
Dip Gestalt (Dublin Gestalt Centre)
Dip Jungian Psychotherapy (CG Jung Centre)
Dip SE, Dip MP, Dip PM (BIFE, Bray)
GTT Facilitator Certification
Trained in shamanic practise
If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.- Located in a unique setting in Sintra, Lisbon.
“Many of us spend our whole lives running from feelings with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are, beyond that pain.” — Khalil Gibran
La respiración holotrópica se combina con las plantas maestras. Este retiro de 7 días y 6 noches integra la Respiración Holotrópica con prácticas chamánicas de una manera armoniosa e integradora, proporcionando una experiencia de sanación profunda.
If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.- Located in a unique setting in Sintra, Lisbon.
If you are interested in self-exploration, come join us for an inner breathwork experience, a time for inner exploration, self-reflection, and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.- Located in a unique setting in Sintra, Lisbon.