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Meine Erfahrung mit dem holotropen Atmen reicht über 25 Jahre zurück. Ausgebildet von Stan Grof (u.a.) bin ich seit 2016 als Breathwork Facilitater und IAKP zertifizierter Kambo-Practitioner europaweit tätig.
Gemeinsam mit meiner Familie lebe ich am Stadtrand von Wien. Nachdem ich 1999 zum ersten Mal mit Holotropic Breathwork in Berührung kam, führte mich mein beruflicher Weg, der ursprünglich durch eine technische Ausbildung geprägt war, immer weiter in die psychologische Richtung. Heute folge ich meiner Leidenschaft und schaffe Räume, in denen Menschen sich auf ihrem Weg zu mehr Ganzheit und Selbstverwirklichung entfalten können.
Psychosynthesis Training (Switzerland) 2000-2004
Systemic Individual-, couple- and family therapy (Germany 2005-2009)
Education manager and business Trainer (Austria 2009)
Holotropic Breathwork (California, New Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Spain 2010-2016)
Kambo Practitioner Training (IAKP England, Poland 2017)
Phänomenologische Psychologie/Aufstellungsarbeit (Wien,Nelles Institut) i.A.
Since the beginning of time, expanded states of consciousness were used by seekers to find answers to the existential and meaningful questions of life. Holotropic breathwork is a powerful and unique method to experience such a non-ordinary state of consciousness in a safe setting. It is a wonderful way of self-discovery, healing and spiritual growth. Through intensified breathing and evocative music you reach an altered state of consciousness that brings you on a journey into your inner being. Michael is a Holotropic breathwork facilitator and as well a kambo practitioner. On thursday we will have the opportunity to choose an additional kambo application before diving into the breathwork workshop.
PRICE EUR 350.- (Early bird rate) Price includes full-board accommodation.
Since the beginning of time, expanded states of consciousness were used by seekers to find answers to the existential and meaningful questions of life. Holotropic breathwork is a powerful and unique method to experience such a non-ordinary state of consciousness in a safe setting. It is a wonderful way of self-discovery, healing and spiritual growth. Through intensified breathing and evocative music you reach an altered state of consciousness that brings you on a journey into your inner being. Michael is a Holotropic breathwork facilitator and as well a kambo practitioner. On thursday we will have the opportunity to choose an additional kambo application before diving into the breathwork workshop.