Holotropic 2 Breathe Weekend - Scotland - Adventures in Expanded States of Consciousness


What is Holotropic Breathwork? - free Zoom gathering

For 1000’s of years mankind has entered into Holotropic States of Consciousness (HSC) in different ways, in different cultures around the globe. Why? - For the purpose of learning, healing and creating for the benefit of individuals and for the benefit of the tribe.

Many people report, including ourselves, that journeying in HSC with Holotropic breathwork has been instrumental in helping them to connect with who and what they truly are and with what their lives are about.

In this live Zoom session Mark Baugh will share with you some highlights of what can be an incredible self-empowering tool to have in the backpack for life's adventure.

More information here.

May we be whole
May we be well
May we live in deep peace


GTT Staff


Mark Baugh

Facilitator and Organiser

Born in 1965 my last corporate role was as a Learning and Development Consultant with a high street bank. After working my way through a personal crisis in 2001, I entered into a deep process of he...


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No travel needed - just the comfort of your own home!