Nov 24, 2025

Dr.Tim Read

Tim is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and author based in London. After degrees in neuroscience and medicine, he was consultant liaison psychiatrist at the Royal London Hospital for 20 years also heading the crisis intervention service and developing psychological treatments for psychiatric emergencies. He held posts of Clinical Director and Director of Training. He is a Fellow of the RCPsych and a member of the Institute of Group Analysis.
He was drawn to psychiatry by the work of C.G.Jung and has completed trainings in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (IGA) and transpersonal psychology with Stanislav Grof (GTT). He has been a certified facilitator of holotropic breathwork since 2007. Tim is extensively involved in training and supervision and feels passionately that these substances should be used with compassion and skill so that the formative wounds that underpin so much of our individual and collective distress may become more available for healing. He is extensively involved in clinical research of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and with Maria Papaspyrou is co-facilitating the Depth Relational Process IPT 2 year training.

Tim is author of Walking Shadows: Archetype and Psyche in Crisis and Growth and co-editor with Jules Evans of Breaking Open: Finding a Way Through Spiritual Emergency and co-editor with Maria Papaspyrou of Psychedelics and Psychotherapy published in 2021.

GTT Module - "Spiritual Emergency-Supporting unexpected Challenges in non-ordinary states of Consciousness" - Assisi Italy - 24th-29th November 2025 with TIM READ

A mandatory Module but for everyone is welcome - Modulo obbligatorio per il percorso di formazione ma aperto a tutti.

For English scroll down!

La guarigione e la trasformazione personale possono talvolta comportare momenti profondamente sfidanti, in cui ci sentiamo destabilizzati, soprattutto quando intraprendiamo un percorso che include esperienze di Stati Non Ordinari di Coscienza. Questi momenti di crisi sono stati spesso interpretati da alcuni come psicosi o regressione psicologica, mentre da altri come opportunità di crescita e di profonde rivelazioni interiori. Stan e Christina Grof hanno coniato il termine "Emergenza Spirituale" per descrivere tali stati. Qual è la differenza tra una psicosi e Emergenza Spirituale? E come possiamo sostenere chi attraversa queste esperienze?

In questo modulo, ci addentreremo nelle diverse manifestazioni critiche che le persone possono incontrare lungo il proprio percorso di trasformazione interiore. L'obiettivo è esplorare le dinamiche che conducono a tali difficoltà e identificare gli approcci più efficaci per sostenere questi processi intensi, con uno sguardo empatico e privo di giudizio.

Nel modulo affronteremo i seguenti temi:

1) Il concetto di Emergenza Spirituale e l’Emergenza Spirituale.

2) Le varie tipologie di Emergenze Spirituali delineate da Stan e Christina Grof.

3) Le prospettive attuali sulle Emergenze Spirituali, come emergono nelle odierne pratiche di terapia psichedelica, esperienze sciamaniche e lavoro esperienziale.

4) Le sfide che gli individui possono incontrare in seguito a esperienze difficili in Stati Non Ordinari di Coscienza.

5) La distinzione tra stati patologici e processi trasformativi.

6) Approcci per affrontare diversi scenari dell’ Emergenza Spirituale e il processo di integrazione.

In ogni modulo del Grof Transpersonal Training è integrata una componente esperienziale e dal potenziale sanante. II lavoro prevede 2 sessioni di Respirazione Olotropica come respiranti e 2 come sitter (accompagnatori), con momenti e strumenti specifici dedicati all’integrazione dell'intera esperienza. Non è necessaria una precedente esperienza con la Respirazione Olotropica, ma è richiesto il completamento di un breve questionario confidenziale.

Per partecipare al modulo, non è necessario avere esperienze pregresse in Respirazione Olotropica. È comunque obbligatorio compilare un breve modulo confidenziale sul proprio stato di salute.

Se desideri proseguire la formazione del il Grof Transpersonal Training, questo modulo è uno dei quattro obbligatori richiesti.



Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness.
These moments of crises have been understood as psychosis or psychological regression by some and as opportunities and major breakthroughs by others. Stan and Christina Grof coined the term "Spiritual Emergency" to refer to such states. What is the difference between psychosis and a Spiritual Emergency? How should we support people going through them?
In this module, we will explore the different challenging manifestations that people sometimes go through in their journeys of transformation. We aim to understand the reasons that lead to such difficulties and identify the best approaches to support these intense processes from a non-judgmental and caring perspective.

In this module, we will cover the following topics:
1) The concept of Spiritual Emergence and Spiritual Emergency.
2) The various types of Spiritual Emergencies as described by Stan and Christina Grof.
3) Contemporary perspectives on Spiritual Emergencies, as encountered in current forms of psychedelic therapy, shamanic experiences, and experiential work.
4) Diverse challenges that individuals may face after difficult experiences in Non-Ordinary States
5)Distinguishing between pathological and transformational states.
6) Approaches to addressing different scenarios in Spiritual Emergencies and integration 

On every module of Grof Transpersonal Training there is also experiential and healing part. Participants have 2 sessions of Holotropic Breathwork as a breathers and 2 as a sitters. There will be also time and tools for integrating the whole experience. It is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathworh, but is required to complete a brief confidential questionnaire. To participate in the module it is not necessary to have previous experience in Holotropic Breathwork. It is required to complete a brief confidential medical form. If you wish to continue with the Grof Transpersonal Training, this module is one of the four mandatory required.



Thomas Liska

Facilitator and Organiser

Thomas Liska is GTT Europe Direktor and together with Sonja Busch founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe with extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain,...

Sonja Busch

Teacher and Facilitator

Sonja is GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder of the European Association for Holotropic Breathwork. She works in private practice as Bowen Body Therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Specialised...

Alessandro Pacco

Facilitator and Organiser

Bioenergetic and etno-clinical psychotherapist, GTT certified facilitator, workshops organizer.

Michele Metelli

Facilitator and Organiser

Dott. Michele Metelli Therapeutic Orientation: Transpersonal psychology, gestalt-therapy, archetypical psychology About Statement: A warm, peaceful and respectful setting for those that need to ex...

Alessandra Spagnoli

Facilitator and Organiser

Alessandra is a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator, Psychedelic Integration Specialist, Workshops Organizer and NARM trainee. Co-founder of Holotropic Italy...


Località Santa Maria di Lignano, 42,, ASSISI PG Italy, 06081 

Località Santa Maria di Lignano, 42,, ASSISI PG Italy, 06081

+39 075 802261

+39 3534330183

Hotel Website:


Mandatory Training Module Early bird price for the GTT Module is € 950 payment - the latest 6 weeks before the module starts.

Regular price is € 1100.

Participants from non-EU countries do not pay a 20% VAT, and this 20% will be deducted. Registered EU companies with a valid VAT number will receive an invoice free of VAT if the VAT number is provided during registration. Retroactive changes are not possible.

People coming from Poland, Ukraine and other low-income countries can contact us to have some discount.

Please note that the hotel accommodation cost is not included in the seminar fee and should be paid directly to the venue. The hotel room prices are as follows:

Single Room: €125 per person
Double Room: €105 per person
Triple Room: €89 per person
Quadruple/Quintuple Room: €75 per person
The price includes full board with ample coffee/tea breaks.

Extra nights can be booked (before and after the module's start) by contacting the hotel directly. You will find all the necessary information in the confirmation email following your registration.



The cancellation fee is always EUR 180 ink.20%VAT,- for a Module.

If you cancel the module within 30 days before the course, the course fee will not be refunded, but could be applied to any other module or workshop with the Holotropic Association Austria (minus the cancellation fee).
If you cancel the workshop more than a month in advance the total amount minus 180,- EUR cancellation fee will be refunded.
If the organization should cancel the event due to any reason, the entire amount paid for the course will be refunded to the participants. Please note: The organisation will not take any responsibility for any additional expenses the cancellation may cause to the participant such as for example travel expenses.