Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Jun 15, 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam porta massa sit amet dui commodo, eget facilisis odio blandit. Proin ac ullamcorper nibh, ut imperdiet mauris.

Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum.

Event Details

  • Date: Jun 15, 2022
  • Time: 9:00 AM
  • Location:
  • Price: $250

Featured speakers

Roman Petrov

Facilitator and Organiser

Roman (*1977) received education in classical music at the Prague Conservatory and Academy of Performing Arts, and is one of the 12 cellists of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra. He has been utilisi...




Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Mauris tincidunt tempus tortor
  • Donec eu condimentum sem
  • Curabitur varius felis
  • Aliquam commodo elementum


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Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.

Holotropic Breathwork® Association of Europe

Holotropic Breathwork® Association of Europe – a Network of GTT certified Holotropic Breathwork® Practitioners in Europe – is providing information and support for people interested in exploring the healing potentials of Holotropic Breathwork®, as well a platform for exchange and learning for GTT (Grof Transpersonal Training® certified Holotropic Breathwork® Practitioners.


Here you can find “Holotropic Events” all over Europe (incl. Russia and Turkey). You can either look at all events or filter your search by Holotropic Breathwork® Workshops, Grof Transpersonal Training® Modules and others such as lectures and conferences on Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy. Furthermore, you can search events by date, location etc.

Holotropic Breathwork®


Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful technique for self-healing and self-exploration allowing for greater self-understanding, expansion of self-identity and access to the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. Holotropic Breathwork® comes from the Greek words ‘holos’ (whole) and ‘trepein’ (going to) meaning moving towards wholeness.


GTT is a program for experiencing and studying Holotropic Breathwork® and the transpersonal perspective. It is a two-track program that can be used either to become a certified practitioner or simply to experience this practice in a more in-depth format. It is the best way to spend time with HB co-developer and one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, Stanislav Grof. Although semi-retired, Stan still teaches at some of the six-day training workshops, also called modules.

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