May 09, 2024
Cras eu suscipit felis. Pellentesque aliquam accumsan eros dignissim feugiat.
Teadliku Loomise ja Hingamise Akadeemia
Algallika keskus Matsalu Rahvuspargis
Rooglaiu küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnu maakond, 90115
Tallinnas: Ristiku 10
Tiia Lõoke
Telefon: 51 78 313
Algallika keskus Matsalu Rahvuspargis Rooglaiu küla, Pärnu maakond Estonia, 90115
Algallika keskus Matsalu Rahvuspargis Rooglaiu küla, Pärnu maakond Estonia, 90115
Will depend on the lodging of your choice and the date of payment.
You can receive a 50 eur discount if you register and pay before Aprill 1st.
Participation fee: 300€ before 1.04.2024. After 1.04.2024 fee: 350€.
Food and accommodation fees are added to the course participation fee.
Food in Holotropic Breathwork: (vegetarian) during workshop: 98€
Accommodation for workshop period (3 nights) costs:
one place in 2 person rooms: 77 € (3 nights)
one place in 3 person rooms: 66 € (3 nights)
one place in 4 person rooms: 55 € (3 nights)