1.5 day workshop in Istria

21 Mar 2025 to 22 Mar 2025 Workshops

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Join us for another deep dive with Holotropic Breathwork

What Does the Workshop Look Like?

PREPARATION, SESSION, AND INTEGRATION are three equally important parts of a Holotropic Breathwork workshop, which is why it is essential to participate in all segments of the workshop.

Workshops in Zagreb are typically held over two weekend days, Friday and Saturday. If the group is larger, there is an additional meeting on Sunday morning, and participants are informed about this in advance.

  • Friday afternoon and evening are dedicated to introductions, preparation (theoretical part), and answering participants’ questions about the method, expectations, etc.
  • Saturday is reserved for two three-hour Holotropic Breathwork sessions throughout the day. In one session, you will breathe; in the other, you will “hold space” for your partner. After the sessions, the first integration steps begin through creative expression (e.g., drawing).
  • Saturday evening is intended for sharing experiences (as much as participants feel comfortable), further integration, and discussions about understanding the breathing experience and possible methods for continuing the work after the workshop, if needed.

This workshop is not residential, and we do not provide accommodation. However, if you are coming from abroad, we can help you find nice and affordable accommodation nearby.


Tina Meic

Tina had a career in the business world when she got introduced to Holotropic Breathwork and started the training in 2009. Grateful for her own transformation and recognition of inner wisdom, she is committed to being in service to the community... read more ..

Iva Zic

Social worker, family mediator, currently in the Grof Transpersonal training. Iva was born in 1978. in Croatia, has a master's degree in social work and works at the Institute for Social Work in the department of child protection. She also completed... read more ..

Martina Detelic

Martina lives in Croatia and works as a business and life coach and regularly organises HB workshops as a part of Croatian holotropic team. She is almost certified as Holotropic Breathwork facilitator. Her journey with HB started in 2013. - almost 11... read more ..

Payment Policy

The cost of the 1.5-day workshop is 220 euros. This includes lunch on Saturday as well as coffee, tea, fruit, and snacks, which will be available throughout the entire workshop.

Cancellation Policy

Non-refundable deposit is 20 Eur

Villa Negrin

Villa Negrin istria - Stancija Negre 2, 52215, Gajana, 52215

1.5 day workshop in Istria

Event Contacts

Tina Meic