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Vsi terapevti Holotropic Breathwork ™, predstavljeni tukaj, imajo certifikat GTT in omogočajo delavnice holotropnega dihanja v skladu s standardi GTT.
Stan Grof, M.D., Ph.D. je psihiater z več kot petdesetimi izkušnjami, ki raziskujejo zdravilni in transformativni potencial neobičajnih stanj zavesti, ki širi zahodno kartografijo psihe onkraj biografskih izkušenj v perinatalno in transpersonalno kraljestvo. Ustanovitelj in pretekli predsednik Mednarodne transpersonalne zveze (ITA) je skupaj z Abrahamom Maslowom in drugimi oblikoval osnovna načela transpersonalne psihologije, discipline, ki raziskuje celoten spekter človeških izkušenj in poskuša vključiti duhovnost in novo paradigmo v znanosti.
Stan in njegova žena Christina Grof sta razvila Holotropic Breathwork ™ - močno orodje za dostop do tistih zdravilnih potencialov nenavadnih stanj zavesti. Po tem razvoju Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) je bil ustvarjen obsežen program usposabljanja za terapevte/moderatorje Holotropic Breathwork ™ in deluje po vsem svetu (www.holotropic.com).
Načela holotropnega dihanja najdete tukaj.
Če ste certificirani posrednik in se želite pridružiti omrežju, kliknite tukaj in pošljite obrazec.
Balázs Aladár Tóth Works as an IT engineer and Holotropic Breathwork facilitator trainee, also a yoga instructor and sports trainer.
Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Slowenia, Poland, Italy, USA
Marc Aixalà is a Telecommunication Engineer, a Licensed Health Psychologist and Psychotherapist with post degree studies in Integrative Psychothera...
About Niels Bagge is a GTT certified Holotropic Breathwork faciliator certified in 1997 and has been offering Holotropic Breathwork worksho...
Tom, born 1980 in Croatia, is a certified GTT facilitator. He studied IT and business - the field in which he actively works today (as a co...
Pert & Kinross
Scotland UK
Born in 1965 my last corporate role was as a Learning and Development Consultant with a high street bank. After working my way thr...
Karin has been on the path of self discovery since her teens and got in contact with different teachings and philosophies. She has extensive traini...
Studied psychology and educational sciences, psychotherapy (HPP). Educated in Systemic Human Resources and Organizational Development, Group Dynami...
Christoph studied physics and psychology at the University of Zurich. Since his early youth he has been interested in transpersonal psychology - wi...
Sitara Blasco is a psychologist from Valencia University, Spain, with master studies in Gestalt Psychotherapy and Integrative Psychology. She has d...
Daniela Bonelli Bassano, Jungian-oriented psychoanalyst, GdS therapist, LAI member
Monica is a professional in the helping relation, Counselor, Rebirther and Holotropic Breathwork facilitator. In her practice, she hol...
Philip was born in 1960 in Antwerp, Belgium. He worked many years in Belgium and Europe as a sales rep and manager until questions about t...
Cáit Branigan is a Druid and an Ordained Priestess Hierophant of the Western Mystery Tradition, a Healer working within the traditions of Ireland....
, South Africa, Kenya, India, Nepal, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Egypt, & the United Kingdom,
Rev. Cynthia Brix, PhD (hon), is co-founder of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International, which has organized 280 intensive t...
Cyrus Bruton, born 1960 in the UK and lives since over 30 years in Berlin, Germany where he has been guiding and holding...
Sonja is a seasoned teacher and trainer with a specialization in trauma-sensitive, holistic approaches. As the GTT Europe Coordinator and Founder o...
Debbie is a certified Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. She began her holotropic breathwork journey in 2002 and joined the Grof Tra...
I am a licensed chemical dependency counselor and certified in Holotropic Breathwork by Grof Transpersonal Training (www.holotropic.com). I am also...
Dolors Anna Carrión Founder of Psyqueholografic®School of Alchemic Evolution Transpersonal psychotherapist with more than 30 ye...
Martina lives in Croatia and works as a business and life coach and regularly organises HB workshops as a part of Croatian holotropic team. She is...
Rachela studied psychology and completed the Grof Transpersonal Training program. Besides being a Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator she also...
Martin Duris is a movement/dance therapist, cranio-sacral therapist and somatic coach. He graduated in 2010 with a Health & Physical Activity Found...
GTT facilitator and trainerBorn in England, Jean has lived in Ireland for thirty years with her husband and the children and young people they...