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Holotropic Breathwork ™ je na voljo po vsem svetu. In številne organizacije in institucije spodbujajo delo v razširjenih stanjih zavesti.

Holotropno dihanje ™ po vsem svetu

Tukaj najdete seznam organizacij in posameznikov, ki ponujajo Holotropic Breathwork ™ po vsem svetu. Če iščete terapevta s certifikatom GTT po vsem svetu, si oglejte spletno mesto Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) ™, ki vam omogoča iskanje po imenu ali državi.

Države so navedene po abecednem vrstnem redu (če se ne znajdete, nam spustite vrstico na

  • AVSTRIJA: Vse avstrijske prireditve najdete tukaj.
  • HRVAŠKA: Vse dogodke najdete tukaj.
  • ČEŠKA:
  • MADŽARSKA: Vse madžarske dogodke najdete tukaj
  • MEKSIKO: Alma que canta nudi delavnice HB v Mehiki in na območju zaliva San Francisco
  • SLOVENIJA: Vse dogodke najdete tukaj.
  • ŠPANIJA: V Španiji več modelov Holotropic Breathwork ™ ponuja delavnice, ki jih najdete tukaj ob dogodkih. Holotropica ponuja GTT module v Španiji.
  • ŠVICA: Holotropno dihanje ™ je mogoče najti v Baslu in Thurgauu.
  • ZDA: Oglejte si domačo stran GTT
  • Velika Britanija: Vse prireditve v Veliki Britaniji najdete tukaj.

Holotropic Breathwork® Association of Europe

Holotropic Breathwork® Association of Europe – a Network of GTT certified Holotropic Breathwork® Practitioners in Europe – is providing information and support for people interested in exploring the healing potentials of Holotropic Breathwork®, as well a platform for exchange and learning for GTT (Grof Transpersonal Training® certified Holotropic Breathwork® Practitioners.


Here you can find “Holotropic Events” all over Europe (incl. Russia and Turkey). You can either look at all events or filter your search by Holotropic Breathwork® Workshops, Grof Transpersonal Training® Modules and others such as lectures and conferences on Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy. Furthermore, you can search events by date, location etc.

Holotropic Breathwork®


Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful technique for self-healing and self-exploration allowing for greater self-understanding, expansion of self-identity and access to the roots of emotional and psychosomatic challenges one might face. Holotropic Breathwork® comes from the Greek words ‘holos’ (whole) and ‘trepein’ (going to) meaning moving towards wholeness.


GTT is a program for experiencing and studying Holotropic Breathwork® and the transpersonal perspective. It is a two-track program that can be used either to become a certified practitioner or simply to experience this practice in a more in-depth format. It is the best way to spend time with HB co-developer and one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, Stanislav Grof. Although semi-retired, Stan still teaches at some of the six-day training workshops, also called modules.

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