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Thomas Liska
GTT Europe Coordinator and Co-Founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe
Thomas Liska is the GTT Europe coordinator and, together with Sonja Busch, the founder of the Holotropic Association of Europe. He has extensive experience working in Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain, the USA, the UK, Turkey, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Poland, and organizing workshops in Austria.
Born in Vienna in 1965, Thomas initially pursued a technical education before shifting his focus to (transpersonal) psychology and psychotherapy. He is trained in various psychotherapeutic schools and approaches, including systemic family therapy, psychosynthesis, sex therapy, and Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy (PITT). He also holds academic degrees in Counseling, Coaching and Supervision, and Organizational Development and is a certified SoulCollage® facilitator.
📞 +43 699 171 87 915
✉️ ThomasLiska@protonmail.com
This dynamic six-day GTT module offers an immersive exploration of the principles, philosophy, and transformative potential of Transpersonal Psychology & Holotropic Breathwork.
“Many of us spend our whole lives running from feelings with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are, beyond that pain.” — Khalil Gibran
The Closing Certification Intensive marks the culmination and final stage of the Grof Transpersonal Training Program in Transpersonal Psychology and HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK.
La respiración holotrópica se combina con las plantas maestras. Este retiro de 7 días y 6 noches integra la Respiración Holotrópica con prácticas chamánicas de una manera armoniosa e integradora, proporcionando una experiencia de sanación profunda.
Holotropic theory comes alive as we experience the essence of the Holotropic practice and focused energy release ("bodywork") first-hand.
Healing and transformation can sometimes imply challenging moments in which we feel destabilized, particularly when following a path that involves experiences in expanded states of consciousness. IT: La guarigione e la trasformazione possono talvolta comportare momenti di difficoltà in cui ci sentiamo destabilizzati, particolarmente quando si percorre un cammino che coinvolge esperienze in stati espansi di coscienza.